His father died before he could ascend to the throne. So, when King George's grandfather died, he became king.
George William Frederick III was King of Great Britain as well as King of Ireland from 1760 until. In 1801, Great Britain and Ireland united, and George III became King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
King George III had five sisters.
increased the number of British troops in the colonies.
Because King George was treating them so badly when he put taxes on the colinists and controlling the colinists.
Bartholemew has absolutely nothing to do with King George III
George III
poppoppopopoo is it
King George didn't do much before he became famous he because king at an early age
George Washington became very famous after the war. Luckily he refused the offer to become another "King" George (we had just become independent from King George III)
He was a king that ruled England .
King George III
King George III
he kicked the president in the balls
Mostly for losing the American Revolution and his recurring insanity.
King George III of England