Linen, but as this was very expensive, the poor wore whatever they could lay their hands on, usually wool. They also wore flax which is a plant fibre that they grow.
they wore sandles.
The Ancient Egyptians would have made their clothing in their own houses. They used flax to make linen. Then, they soaked it and used the resulting fibers and spun it to make thread. They then used the thread to make robes.
Their normal clothes, but more jewelry, perfume and makeup.
Really anyone in Egypt could make clothes in their own house, but there was still some shops were women made clothes. the women that made the clothes in shops were queens,or egyptians.
The Egyptians used Lye to clean they're clothes in the river, only after the Lye was rinsed out of the clothes and washed downstream did people notice that it would bubble and clean the skin. It was pure accident
No the ancient Egyptians i believe did not wear anything under there clothes. such as under wear or bras. Very good question .
Linen cloth
they put it in a loom and weaved it
The Ancient Egyptians used reeds, animal skins and linen etc. to make their clothing.
Ancient Egyptians got their clothes by making them out of flax, which they turned into linen.
The Ancient Egyptians would have made their clothing in their own houses. They used flax to make linen. Then, they soaked it and used the resulting fibers and spun it to make thread. They then used the thread to make robes.
They used a fibre extracted from the flax plant which we call linen.
Their normal clothes, but more jewelry, perfume and makeup.
So that the dead people would have clothes in the afterlife.
They used looms to weave cloth for their clothes.