The frost line in Chicago depends on the average temperature in winter over a period of time. The winter of 2013 - 2014 was especially cold and the frost line reached a depth of 15 feet in some areas of Chicago. The average frost line in Chicago is about 7 feet per winter.
The frost line refers to how deeply frost is able to penetrate into the ground. In Colorado, the frost line is around 14 inches into the soil.
The frost line in Wisconsin is different in different parts of the state. In northern Wisconsin, the frost line is 40 inches. In southern Wisconsin the frost line is 48 inches.
no Frost
It is recommended that footings in the Wisconsin area be 48" for most buildings. This is because of the deep frost that can occur in harsh Wisconsin winters.
The frost line in West Bend, Wisconsin is typically around 48 inches deep. This means that underground pipes, foundations, and other structures need to be installed at least 48 inches below ground to prevent them from being affected by frost heaving.
no Frost
one metre
42 inches
What is the frost line depth in louisville Kentucky
The frost line in Ohio is 3ft
They are located below the frost line