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There is no "usable" light agter 200 meters...

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Q: To What average depth does light penetrate in the ocean?
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How far down does sunlight go in an ocean?

Sunlight can penetrate into the ocean to an average depth of about 200 meters (656 feet). This depth can vary depending on factors such as water clarity, time of day, and geographic location. Beyond this depth, the ocean becomes progressively darker as less sunlight is able to penetrate.

At what depth does light fail to penetrate water?

The upper 100 -200 m of the ocean is called the Photic zone (photo = light).At about 150 meters 99% of light is absorbed.Beyond the Photic zone, light does not penetrate, and it is pitch dark.

How far does light penetrate underwater?

The depth light can penetrate underwater depends on water clarity and the angle of the sun. In clear ocean water, sunlight can penetrate up to 200 meters (656 feet). In murky or turbid water, light penetration may only be a few meters.

How far does ultraviolet light penetrate water?

Ultraviolet (UV) light can penetrate water to a depth of about 1 meter in clear ocean water, but this depth decreases in more turbid or polluted water. Beyond this depth, the UV light is effectively absorbed by the water molecules. UV light is important in water as it helps to sterilize and cleanse the water by killing off bacteria and other microorganisms.

What is the average depth of Indian Ocean?

The average depth of the Indian ocean is I dont know honestly

Oceanographers can use sonar to calculate the depth of the ocean floor because?

sound waves can penetrate the ocean floor.

Some types of red algae carry on photosynthesis several meters beneath the ocean surface What color light does not penetrate to this depth?

Red light does not penetrate to depths where red algae can carry out photosynthesis. This is why red algae have evolved to absorb blue and green light for photosynthesis at these depths.

What happens to the wavelengths of light that penetrate into the ocean?

they are absorbed

What color light does not penetrate 70 meters beneath the ocean surface?

Red light does not penetrate 70 meters beneath the ocean surface as it is quickly absorbed by water molecules.

Why does the light decrease as you go deeper into the ocean?

the more you go down the denser the water gets until the water is so dense that the sunlight can't reach the bottom of the ocean.

What is the average depth of the entire world ocean?

The average depth of the world ocean is approximately 12,080 feet (3,682 meters). This value includes both shallow coastal areas and deep ocean trenches, giving an overall average depth for the entire ocean.

Which ocean has the greatest average depth?

The Pacific