

Best Answer

By using lemon juice with shugat and rub the desired area, daily for 5 minutes for 2 weeoks.

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Q: How can you use lemon to exfoliate your skin?
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Make dark spots on face disappear?

Hey, you could use pure lemon juice as it is a natural bleach that can exfoliate the skin. This can also be done using exfoliating scrubs but be sure to use a moisturing lotion afterwards to prevent the skin from drying.

How can a dark person get light skin?

use lemon or lemon jucie

How does a salt scrub exfoliate skin?

A salt scrub exfoliates the skin. It does this by helping the flow of blood to your skin. Salt scrubs are best for oily skin. Using salt scrub will moisturize, exfoliate and smooth in addition to dry damaged skin.

Can minows be used for pedicures?

Yes. Some salons use them to exfoliate a person's feet by eating away at the dead skin.

How do you get spray tan off?

toothpaste is good, rub your hands together for about a minute and then mix with a little water. The whitening agent in toothpaste is going to remove tan spray from your palms, make sure you do around your fingernails and between your fingers.

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Humans interact with them by exfoliate them exfoliate means to remove the surface of bone or skin in scales or laminae.

Do you exfoliate before or after shaving?

Exfoliate before. Your skin will be smoother before you shave and if you exfoliate afterwards, it can cause irritation and a burning sensation.

What is facial scrub?

facial scrub is used to exfoliate the skin with removes dead skin cells you can also get body scrub aswell to use all over the body

What is the fastest way to get rid of dried skin?

Exfoliate your skin, by useing a brush or a sponge, then use a lot of moisturiser if you can wrap it in something after applying moisturizer let it sit.

Are face mask bad for you?

Of course not. They were made to exfoliate the skin and take away stress.

What removes mark from your skin?

A Lemon & honey mixture will help with the scars.The lemon is used as a bleaching & lightening agent.Also helping to reduce the appearance of the scars visible.The honey is used to exfoliate & also lighten.Also using acne facial wash & scrubs for acne scars.

How do you exfoliate your skin?

there are specif face washes that say exfoliating soap