If you have no tracking number you can't track your item. The seller can tell you that they have shipped the package, but that is as much information as you will be able to find out until the package actually arrives with you.
If the person you ordered an item from has included your tracking number, simply visit the DHL website, navigate to tracking and enter the numbers and click on Track.
The only way that you can track an item you bought on eBay is if the seller provides you with an online tracking number, which is a number allotted by the carrier, for your particular package. Not all packages have a tracking number so not all parcels can be tracked and the only way to find out is to ask the seller of your item. One you have a tracking number, go to the carrier's website and enter the number. You will then be given such information as is available.
It's always easiest to contact the seller, but that looks like it could be a USPS tracking number. Did you check with them?
If you want to track the package ask the clerk for a tracking number when you mail the item.
Yes! you can check the speed post delivery status online. Follow these steps:Note Down the Tracking Number (Item number): At the time of posting your item, the postmaster gives you a slip in which Item number has been mentioned as "EU70544**05IN"
For one to track a shipment with FedEx Tracking, one first locate their tracking number. On the official FedEx website, that number can put into the tracking search box and one can track their package.
You will be given a Tracking number when the driver collects your parcel, That tracking number should be used to track your parcels online.
You will be given a Tracking number when the driver collects your parcel, That tracking number should be used to track your parcels online.
To track an item from France, contact the company that shipped the item. The United States Postal Services also offers tracking information for certain shipments.
Yes! you can check the speed post delivery status online. Follow these steps:Note Down the Tracking Number (Item number): At the time of posting your item, the postmaster gives you a slip in which Item number has been mentioned as "EU70544**05IN"
Call customer service or the individual that sold you the item. Get the tracking number when you call them so you can track the package.