You lubricate it with a silicon spray that you can buy at a hardware store or auto shop.Do not use petrolium product because they will just eat the cube.Another thing to consider is get a differt type of rubiks cube which you can buy at
There are two things to look at first:
Lubrication of cube.
If you can disassemble the cube (Google it), then put some vaseline in the joints, this speeds up your turns greatly.
Improvement of method.
There are hundreds of methods, but the most common one for speedcubing is the Fredrich Method (or F2L). Google for a tutorial. However, this does require the learning of many algorithms.
turn one side of your Rubik's cube 45 degrees and then slide your thumb under the edge piece and pop it out, then take out the other pieces to the side of the edge piece, after that apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline) inside that spot, put the pieces back on your Rubik's cube then move that side around a bit and it should move heaps faster
Hope this helps :)
One thing that makes your Rubik's cube spin faster is silicone spray. Turn the top layer (any top layer works) 45 degrees so the corner piece is above the middle piece on the second layer. Now pry the middle piece on the top layer off with your fingernail or screwdriver. Spray some silicone spray into the hole and pop the piece back in. Now scramble the cube for a couple minutes to work the spray in.
Now things to note, the silicone spray does not make the cube sticky. Working the spray in will make it move smoother. Do not use WD-40, Vaseline, Petroleum jelly or other petroleum based items because they will eat up the inside plastic and can get under the stickers and slide them off. Vegetable can make the cube sticky and cause the stickers to become discoloured or to fall off. Grease is messy and has the same effect as Vaseline.
the rubiks cube the rubiks cube
no way he is to stupid and self centered to solve a rubiks cube. im serious i know people. he might be the smarteset kid on earth but there is no way he could solve a rubiks cube!
Yes he does. He can solve a Rubiks cube in less than a minute.
No. Unless you buy the electronic rubiks cube called rubiks revolution. It has different games.
play with it for a long time
go to youtube, and there should be videos up by a person with the username 'pogobat' that has videos on how to solve the 3x3x3 and the 4x4x4 rubiks cube.
a mirror cube, the mirror cubes work the same as a rubik's cube, but takes more knowledge of the cube since you can't orient by just looking at the colours
The Rubik's cube is normally easier because you can us algorithms as techniques to solve it where as the rubik's 360 is based on luck and steadiness of the hand.
No, it doesn't but it can increase your understanding about various aspects of geometry. The people who are able to solve a rubik's cube don't really have higher IQ. They are able to do this because they have learn't the trick to solve it. They have hardcoded the algorithms in their brains. Anyone can solve a rubik's cube just by memorizing the algorithms and learning the technique to solve it.
a rubix cube!! :)
Rubiks Cube was invented in 1974