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Different countries offer different treatment for video game addiction. The United States have opened treatment centers and offer twelve-step programmes to help people suffering from this condition. Someone suffering from this addiction should visit their doctor. There is also an organisation called Online Gamers Anonymous which help people in the US.

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Q: How can one overcome addiction to video games?
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Which organizations are able to help with recovery from addiction?

There are many organizations that can help one overcome different forms of addiction including Get Off Drugs, Reachout, Gamblers Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous and Addiction Hope.

How can one try to cure a video game addiction?

Video games can be an escape to many, a time where they are in control and they can be whoever they want to be. Negative sides to this addiction can include social seclusion, eye strain and obesity. Physiological issues may develop due the graphic and violent nature of some video games. Some ways to cure video game addiction could be to start to cut down on the amount of hours played gradually until it reaches a more manageable level. Secondly one could find a different use for their time, taking up a different hobby such as fitness, arts and crafts or simply socializing. The trick is to realize that the real world is better than that of a video game, and by spending so much time on video games, the addict is missing out.

How can someone fix an addiction problem by themselves?

Addiction is hard to overcome by ones self. It is best to get into a group therapy or rehab center. However if one wants to attempt to over come addiction by themselves one must first admit they have a problem, work on finding ways to take their mind off their addiction, and avoid situations where the addiction occurs.

Can you have a seeger from video games?

No because you can't have one from video games but you can have one if you get hit on the head or if you get really sick but its not possible for someone to have a seeger from video games.

One of the Most Important Drug Addiction Facts?

Something that a lot of people don't realize is that addiction is actually much broader and more deeply rooted than mere chemical addiction. In truth, the chemical side of drug addiction is generally one of the easiest parts to overcome. The emotional craving is often harder to kick than the chemical craving. One of the most important drug addiction facts is this one: People who have a support group have a higher rate of success in kicking the habit.

Why is Michael Jordan in video games?

he is in video games because he is one of the top nba players

How does playing video games affect your thinking?

That is a very hard question to answer completly, because psycologists and scientist are still studing it and i doubt that there will be an answer in the near future, how so far, it has been proven that the more video games one plays the less focus they are at work, school, etc. Also it shows that while playing video games, it releaves stress, but if the gamer has an addiction to the video game, they could be adding on stress when they are not playing the video game. Aggersive behaviour is also a factor that ahs been looked into, it states that the more video games you play, the more aggersive one tends to be. There are many other theories and facts about video gaming that we could go on forever, i hope this helps -Alex T

Who wrote the article about what video games do to people?

You ask this as if only one person has ever written about the effects of video games. Go to and look up "video games".

What are some sites to use to discuss video games with other players?

There are a number of sites one can use to discuss video games such as Super Mario Bros. One can do this on sites such as GameSpot, Video Games Awesome and Neoseeker.

Can playing video games help your IQ?

Yes, IQ is one of things video games can help develop.

Where can one purchase racing video games?

Someone can purchase racing video games from a number of companies such as Amazon. Amazon has a large selection of racing video games from numerous video game publishing companies.

Where can one find a video games rental service?

Video games can be rented online at Blockbuster and Netflix. These companies will send the video games through the mail right to a customer's mailbox.