You can trade masterballs from ruby, sapphire and emerald by winning first place in the lottery at the lilycove dept store but you need to trade with a lot of friends to do so.
Only one is provided in the game, but you can trade one from someone else.
probably action replay but you can just buy a firered leafgreen sapphire or ruby and just save the masterball you get from them and give them to one of your Pokemon and migrate it
There would probably only be 3 ways to get masterballs. 1. The team aqua hideout. 2.The Pokemon lottery corner. If you win first prize, you get a masterball. 3. You can probably use a gameshark. I'm not too sure about that though. Anyway, that's cheating.
One masterball is in Pokemon emerald. To find out more go to my site called
You don't, as there's only one Master Ball in the game. You can hack to get more, but otherwise, there's no way to do so normally.
there is only one masterball
You have to get a cheat
You can only get one to get another trade with a friend that has one.
Once you have the masterball you get in leafgreen the only way to get another one is to have a firered or ruby or sapphire or emerald trade you a Pokemon that is holding a masterball.
The president of silph co will give you one.
First of all, what do you mean make? You can only receive one masterball in the entire game. One game. One masterball. One pokemon.
you cant
if you clone a masterball
You can't. You only get one without trading it from another Pokemon game.
The only way is to win the lottery in jubilife