what is range and habitat of red belly piranha
john macan
dont no
moose eat them no ust kiddin
A red belly Pacu is a relative of a piranha and it looks like a piranha. It doesn't have sharp teeth and it isn't aggressive. It is an omnivore. It usually has orange on its underside or belly, and a gray-black color on the rest of its body.
Yes, they are from the same family, but i dont know if Red Belly Pacus can be kept with Black Belly Piranhas. Red belly Pacus can be kept with Red belly piranhas.
There is a red belly piranha which eats meat and also a pacu which eat plant and veggie and which is a type of piranha
Red belly piranha (aka rbp) are really fun pets to have. But can be very very expensive. The most I have ever paid for ONE is 350$ but they usually cost between 200-250 for One.
piranhas are good for teens but kids watch out for them ,not that they will kill them but the black belly and yellow belly are more mean than red belly piranha
There are 3 main types of Piranhas. Here is the List from LEAST aggressive to HIGHLY aggressive. 1) Least aggressive is the Red Belly Piranha. It has a bad reputation and old myths about how they would kill and eat anything. But the piranha will not attack or kill a human. It still eats and can kill, Fish; Worms; Insects; Mice; Birds... ETC. 2) Golden Belly Piranha, i know little of this pirahna except that it is said it cannot be kept with anything but itself (Same type of pirahna). They are very hard to find and are endangered. Like the Black Pirahna. (SEE 3) 3) Black Belly Piranha is highly, the MOST aggressive piranhas known. They are black and will eat ANYTHING. If you circle the tank the black belly will FOLLOW you thinking it can attack you. It will kill anything and eat it. It is compatible with the Red belly and its own kind. Its not as often seen as a red belly. There has never been a record of a Black Belly Piranha being bred with the Red, and Golden Bellied Piranhas. THE PIRANHA IN GENERAL: It has a round face, and usually has very sharp teeth. It face cuves as it has very dramaticly pointed fins. the back fin is usually a v-shape and there is a small upper and a red under belly fin. (THIS CASE IT IS A RED BELLY PIRANHA BECAUSE OF THE RED UNDER FIN)
the red belly piranha are not andanger.they are wildly spared in amazon basins and useualy kept as pet in the aquarium!here in the Philippines they are aviallable in the petshop.the piranha have a code name "bulldog fish"/pogi in tagalog means "handsome" cause they are illegal to sell here in the phillipine.
There is none, generally the Red-Bellied Piranha is the "regular Piranha"