A dolphins brain and therefore its cerebral cortex is about the same size as a humans, however some dolphin species have a more deeply folded cerebral cortex than in humans but the cortex itself is not as thick. The level of folding found in the dolphins brain is so similar to that of humans as to suggest that they have a level of intelligence comparable to our own. So to answer the question what is the size of a dolphins cerebral cortex, the data seams to suggest it is about the same as our own.
no they are extremly smart but their brains are about the size of a peanut
i think a dolphin or a shark I'm not sure.
A baby dolphin drinks as much milk as a baby dolphin wants. Unless the mother dolphin and baby dolphin does not bond. Then the baby dolphin gets none.
You can not buy a dolphin, for they are free and beautiful.
It depends on the animal, Elephants have small brains compared to their body mass, whereas a dolphin has a rather large one...
Dolphin grossed $14,000 worldwide.
Dolphins have large brains for their bodies -- in fact, a bottlenose dolphin is second only to humans in the ratio of brain size to body size. Researchers have also pointed to the parallels in the organization of dolphin and primate brains as more evidence of high intelligence in dolphins. Some have gone so far as to suggest that dolphins actually have a language that humans simply cannot comprehend.
No, Humans brains are much more developed. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT!
A small dolphin, ie a baby dolphin, looks much the same as an adult dolphin. At time of birth, dolphin calves are one-third the size of adult dolphins.
Dolphin doesn't eat tuna. Tuna are to big.
Dolphin grossed $14,000 in the domestic market.
As much as you can donate!