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rats can grow many different sizes depending on how much you feed much exercise you give them and just what your rat is but rats can grow quite bis so you much consider that when purchasing one that you have enough space

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14y ago
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14y ago

Pet rats come in many different types, if it is a fancy rat, the most common one that is at most pet stores, they can get to be fairly big, but mostly they will only get to 1 foot. However, if you get a blue, dumbo, or bluedunbo rat, they will grow to be half the size of a fancy rat. Also, if you want a rat that will run on a wheel, you should get a blue rat, which are gray, not blue.

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14y ago

Depends on species..Most are around twelve to 14 inches, including the tail.

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15y ago

rats can get pretty big my weighed around twelve ounces and was about 17 inches long full grown so and it depends on what kinda of rat

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13y ago

It depends which rat snake you're talking about. corn snakes average around six feet fully grown - Yellow rat snakes can be as big as eight feet.

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14y ago

sewer rats can get to be up to the size of a large house cat.

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