No, only females can lay eggs. Male animals do not lay eggs or deliver young.
In some species, the male penguin does incubate the egg (keeping it balanced on his feet) while the female penguin goes out to sea to eat.
penguins eggs
a little penguin lays up to 567 eggs a week
Penguins are flightless birds that lay eggs.
Penguins lay eggs, they do not give birth to live young.
No penguins are not mammals. They lay eggs.
Little Penguins lay two eggs when they mate.Fairy penguins lay two eggs at a time, and might manage 2-3 clutches in one season..
Yes. Penguins lay two eggs per clutch, though the Emperor and King penguins lay only one.
Penguins lay eggs. Most penguins lay two eggs in a clutch, although the two largest species, the Emperor and the King penguins lay only one per season.
No, female penguins do not lay unfertilized eggs. Penguins only lay eggs if they have mated with a male and the egg has been fertilized. The male and female penguin take turns incubating the egg until it hatches.
No. Penguins lay eggs, on land.
Penguins are birds. They have feathers and lay eggs.
They lay eggs