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Male Siberian Tigers are the largest wild cats you'll find on the planet. Tiger fans (I'm one of them) always try to make the Tiger look bigger and stronger than it really is, but I know my facts. Really, the Tiger on average is 500ibs but its pretty common for it to reach 700ibs and even more at times.

· Siberian Tiger also known as Amur, Manchurian, Altaic, Korean or North China tiger (panthera Tigris altaica)- Siberian in Russia

o Males weight 300 kg + (419 to 675 lbs) record weight 384 kg

o Male body length 190 to 230 plus cm plus tail of about 60 to 110 cm long (10.9 ft)

o Female weight 100 to 167 kg (200 to 370 lbs)

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13y ago
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10y ago

Male tigers grow 10 to 15 percent larger than females do. Male tigers can weigh from 300 pounds to 700 pounds.acculally male tigers weigh from 220 to 860 pounds

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14y ago

Siberian tigers grow to be at least 10.75 feet and 660 pounds.

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12y ago

Male siberian tigers can weigh from 650 pounds to 700 pounds. Females can weigh from 400 pounds to 600 pounds.

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15y ago

Male siberians are a little over three feet tall at the shoulder.

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Tigers are the largest big cat, so the tiger.

How big is a tiger foot?

A big male's foot can be nine inches by eight inches.

What is a tiger's territory?

Tigers are big cats and hunt alone. Therefore they have big territories. Female tigers may have a territory of 8 square miles and a male tiger may have a territory of 40 square miles. This allows a male tiger to have several partners.

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A tigon is bred by mating a male tiger with a female lion. The opposite cross, mating a male lion with a female tiger, results in a liger.

What is the male counterpart of tiger?

A tiger IS male - A tigress is the female.

How long is a male tiger?

a male tiger is 3.3m long

How big can a Siberian Tiger get?

How big a Siberian Tiger can get depends on if it is a female or male. Adult males weigh between 650 and 700 pounds and a female weighs between 400 and 450 pounds.

What is a female and male tiger called?

A female Tiger is called a Tigress,

Is a white tiger male bigger than a white tiger female?

A male tiger is always bigger.

What are names for male Tigers?

Some names for male tigers could be Simba, Rajah, Tiberius, or Koda.

What does a male tiger weigh?

If its a Siberian MALE tiger, it can grow up to 328kg!

What do you call a male tiger?

A male tiger is called a "tiger." There isn't a specific term used to differentiate between male and female tigers.