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a jury must come back with a vote of 9/12

Another View: A civil jury must only find you guilty by a PREPONDERANCE of the evidence, and NOT, as in a criminal tiral, BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT.

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Q: How are you found guilty in a civil case?
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How can a single act be tried in both a criminal court and a civil court?

(in the US) A perfect example would be the O.J. Simpson case. He was found not guilty of Homicide, but found guilty in civil court of causing "wrongful death."

The judgment given by the jury?

It is called the verdict. In a criminal case it will be Guilty or Not Guilty. In a civil case it will be Liable or Not Liable.

When a case of shoplifting is a case for what kind of court?

kind of court? Criminal court for adults, Family court for kids. Civil court of found not guilty for shoplifting and your suing them.

The judge found for the defendant?

This is in civil trial and it means the judge found that the case was presented in favor of the Defendant: in other words the person who was sued was found not liable for the allegations made by the Plaintiff. In criminal court the judge either finds you guilty or not guilty.

If a civil case is final in one state can another state file criminal charge on the same case?

Yes. The charge may stem or arise from the same or similar offense, but the facts could be used to support a criminal charge in the same, or another, jurisdiction. Think the OJ Simpson case. He was found not guilty of the criminal offense, but guilty of the civil charge. ALSO - defendants have been found not guilty in state or federal courts of an offense, but then are charged by the Feds with... say.... civil rights violations, or some such.

What is the significance of each element of a criminal or civil action?

In either case, each element of an allegation must be proven in order for the Plaintiff to prevail. In a criminal case that would be for the defendant to be found guilty and in a civil case that would be for the defendant to be found liable. For details on the elements of each case, please see the related links below.

Why was OJ guilty?

OJ Simpson was found not guilty in the criminal case regarding the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. However, he was found liable for their deaths in a civil trial. The evidence presented and the handling of the case led to much debate and controversy over OJ's guilt or innocence.

Can you reopen a case that you plead guilty to?

No. if you pled yourself guilty and you are found guilty you cant reopen the case.

What does it mean when a murder case is dismissed?

it means they are not pleaded guilty****It means the case was dropped. They were not convicted of a crime and have not been found guilty.

What happened to the Donna j somerville civil suit?

the correct answer is that she lost the civil case and had to hand over the house on the hill. the jury there found the preponderance of evidence showed she had killed her husband unlike the first criminal trial.

What was the verdit of toms case?

Tom was found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to five years in prison.

What is the preposition in the sentence He was found guilty of the charges?

of -- the phrase "of the charges" modifies the adjective guilty, a rare case.