They are very important because they provide tourism and trading making the state wealthy.
The opening of the Erie Canal was a key factor to the settlement of the state. The settlers would ride barges on the canal and then across Lake Erie and land along the shorelines. Goods and materials were easily transported at much cheaper rates than you could get it shipped by wagons.
great lakes
Dog turds
Waterways used to be very important to American life and settlement. People used to travel on waterways and also send supplies through waterways. People used to settle next to rivers to har way access to water. Trade was also brought by waterways.
The Missouri River.
railways and waterways
The waterways could ship goods from the interior of the south to the coast where they could be sent to Europe.
The euphrates. tigris river, the persian gulf, the gulf of oman and the arabian sea. These waterways are important becauese they lead into the indian ocean to transport goods into the us.
Ann Arbor is an important city in Michigan. It is the home of the University of Michigan.
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers were important because they allowed for trade and transportation.
lake and pond
Lansing, Michigan is the capitol of the state, very important, but Detroit is the largest city in Michigan.
Northern Michigan University is important to the Upper Peninsula region of Michigan.