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Arthropods are distinguished from other animals by segmentation, meaning their bodies are divided into distinct parts. Insects have three body regions: head, thorax, abdomen. Arachnids have just two body regions: cephalothorax, abdomen.Elexus M. Sandoval. <3 Date Of: 2/10/11Vista Academy!!
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Q: How are the thorax and cephalothorax of arthropods related to segmentation?
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A body section of some arthropods formed by the fusion of the head with the thorax?


What are the three distinct body sections of arthropods?

head, thorax, and abdomen, although the head and thorax can be joined to form a cephalothorax.

Do arthropods have cehphlathorax?

Only some arthropods have a cephalothorax, like for example the lobster. Other arthropods have functionally separate (or non-fused) head and thorax, like many insects.

What is the cephalothorax on a arthropoda?

The cephalothorax on some arthropods is a tagma, a functional grouping or fusing of segments effectively combining the head and thorax, such as you might see on a lobster (which still has a distinct abdomen). By contrast, many insects (also arthropoda) have a separate head and thorax.

What is the combination of head and thorax?

the answer to that is "cephalothorax" which is a head and a thorax.

What is a cephalothorax composed of?

the head and thorax

Does the crayfish have a thorax?

Not exactly, it has a cephalothorax, which is a head and thorax fused together.

What are the fused segments in an arthropod?

In arthropods, the fused segments are called tagmata. These are specialized body regions that are made up of multiple segments fused together to perform specific functions. Examples of tagmata include the head, thorax, and abdomen in insects.

What is a combination of dead and thorax in arachnids?


Combination of head and thorax?

The name for this is a 'cephalothorax' which just literally means head-thorax.

What is the cephalothorax is composed of?

Head and Thorax (Arachnids have cephalothorax, ex: spiders and scorpions)

What do you call a combination of head and Thorax in arachnids?
