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the parents are responsible for the unruly behaviors of teenagers in the society.Most parents give unnecessary freedom to their kids forgetting their roles to play as parents in the up bringing of their children so tell me, how do they expect the child to know the difference between good and bad.

Just as the saying goes "like father like son" or "like mother like daughter". some children took after their parents thereby actin like their parents and in a case where the parents have an unbearable attitude and the child takes over from them, would you blame it on the child? No, blame it on their very first teacher on earth THEIR PARENTS.

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11y ago
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Rosemary Obiefule

Lvl 1
1y ago
Although I don't support that parents are responsible for the unruly behavior of their children into teenagers but I only need the point for an essay
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abiodun sulaimon

Lvl 1
11mo ago
I support a bit and still not but I want to use it for a debate
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4mo ago

Parents play a significant role in shaping the behavior of teenagers by establishing rules, setting boundaries, and providing guidance. They are responsible for instilling values, teaching respect for others, and modeling appropriate behavior for their teenage children. Communication, supervision, and positive role modeling are essential in helping teenagers develop self-discipline and understand acceptable social norms.

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Olugbuyi Funke

Lvl 2
11mo ago

How are the parents responsible for the unruly behavior of teenagers

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