You can either do one of 3 things.
1. You can introduce the author in an introductory sentence and then quote them and uses the page number afterwards in parenthesis.
ex/ whitman says "quote" (56)
2. You can not introduce the author but put the authors name in along with the page number.
ex/ "quote" (whitman 56)
3. You can directly reference the author before a quote
ex/ Whitman would agree with this "quote"
Parenthetical notation is used in writing to provide additional information or clarification within a sentence. It is enclosed in parentheses and can include references, dates, or explanations that are not essential to the main point. Make sure the information within the parentheses does not disrupt the flow of the sentence.
Use brackets when you are creating a parenthetical within a parenthetical.
Use brackets to group similar ideas in math and to create a parenthetical within a parenthetical in writing.
Use a period to end the final sentence within the parenthetical, then use a period outside of the parenthetical to close the sentence in which the parenthetical takes place.
Usually you would set off parenthetical phrases with commas, although you can, of course, also use actual parentheses.
The period goes after the closing parenthesis of the citation.
Parenthetical phrases should be set off by commas if they provide additional, nonessential information within a sentence. If the information is essential to the meaning, do not use commas. It's important to maintain consistency in your punctuation usage for clarity and readability.
Avoid using parenthetical citations when the source is clearly indicated within the text or when the information is common knowledge. Additionally, parenthetical citations are not necessary when including a full citation in a bibliography or works cited page at the end of the document.
Parenthetical Girls was created in 2003.
All titles require capitalization -- parenthetical or not.
Place quotes around it and/or use parenthetical documentation.
To create a parenthetical citation in MLA format for a website with no author, use the title of the webpage in quotation marks. For example, ("Title of Webpage").
A Parenthetical Expression Is A Sentence Set Off By A Comma After A Subject.