the panda has about the same features of the bear just that the panda has black circles around its eyes and is black and white.
Pandas are born pure white and then develop their characteristic black markings when they are 4 weeks old. They have back eye circles, black legs, black forequarters, and black ears. Males weigh about 300 pounds and females are smaller.
Pandas are indangered species because of poaches who want kill them for there body parts and fur.The poaches will sell it to the Chinese traditional medecine market.People believe that if they have a body part it will make them better.
Pandas are mammals penguins are not
Yes, red pandas are mammals.
Pandas don't migrate. That is for birds. Pandas are mammals.
Pandas breed the same way that other mammals breed but it's a lot more difficult for them to conceive.
yes pandas were the first mammals to be found in Africa
They use a male panda to help them, as do other mammals.
Pandas are land mammals.
warm blooded, all mammals are
Pandas are mammals and warm blooded.
Yes, Pandas and all other mammals are vertebrates because they have spines (backbones).