One sperm fertilizes one egg, but before the fertilized egg can become a fetus, the egg splits and becomes two eggs made from the same egg and sperm - therefore becoming two babies.
Identical twins are identical because they both came from the same egg. The term "Identical" is used as they look very much like each other and anybody can say that they are twins by just looking at them.
Identical twins.
No, non-identical twins are fraternal twins. They are created when two eggs are fertilized at the same time and become embryos. Identical twins are when a fertilized egg splits into two on its own.
Identical twins. Although horses sometimes have twins I'm not sure if they have identical twins.
If they were not then they would not be called identical twins!
Approximately 30 of twins are identical, also known as monozygotic twins.
Identical twins are formed from a single egg that splits into two. Fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs that are both separately fertilized. So identical twins have identical DNA, and fraternal twins do not.
Twins are identical because they come from the same egg.
Identical twins are formed when one fertilized eggs splits. Non-identical twins are formed when two separate eggs are fertilized.
The same as when you had the first set of identical twins.
Non identical twins.