lizard tracks are long and skinny, while frog tracks are short and wide.
A jar.
Lizards typically have between 200-400 bones in their body. The exact number can vary depending on the species and size of the lizard.
The American lizard with a spiny crest along its back is called the Texas horned lizard, also known as the horny toad or horned frog. They are known for their unique appearance and diet of ants.
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Yes, there are several reptile Webkinz available. Some examples include the Gecko, Turtle, and Chameleon. Each Webkinz plush toy comes with a unique code that allows access to the virtual world of Webkinz online.
a lizard
they are animalia
A frog in Little Alchemy requires the elements of swamp and caviar. This is a different combination than that required to make frog on Alchemy Classic, which is lizard and swamp.
A jar.
A lilly frog or a giant lizard
lizard, frog, and snake
A bird, frog, or a lizard.
The Natal Dwarf Puddle Frog is found in Africa. The Natal Sand Frog is found in Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland.