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Jeffrey Zhao

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Q: How long does it take to get better from a cold?
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Is cold or warm air better for your body?

warm. because cold air causes ur muscles to contrast and it also doesnt take as long to warm up in warm as it would in cold

Is it better to take a cold or hot bath after running a lot?

it's better to take a cold bath because the cold water soothes out the knots in the joints and muscles. if it's not your first time it's okay to take a hot or warm bath.

How long does it take to catch a cold?

6 days

Do you have take hot or cold showers when you have chickenpox?

You better take a warm shower, it will good on your chicken pox!

How long does it take to catch a cold after contact?

2 days.

Is it safe to have a cold shower when you have a cold?

it techniqly not safe or non-safe . i know when i have a cold i take a really HOT shower. it helps me breath way better.

How long does it take for bread to grow mold in a cold?

50,000 years

What are the advantages to cold smoking meats?

Cold smoking meats can give it a better taste through out it due to how long it takes. Though it works better than some methods, it doesn't work better than all methods.

How long in the cold tub after a hockey game?

just until your muscles start to feel better

Do plants grow better with warm or cold water in a 69 degree climate?

It doesn't really matter if you use cold or warm as long as its Happy!! WARM

How long you use a hot or cold compress maximum?

Hot compress should be use 5-10mins. It should alternately do with the cold compress for a better result.

How do you dissolve cyanuric acid?

Dissolve cyanuric acid in a bucket full of water before adding to the pool. The hotter the water the better as the crystals take a very long time to dissolve completly in cold water.