I shall confirm in a week or so but it seems that a flight leaving Dubai at 9:05 am on Feb 28 arrives in Sydney -Australia at 8:45 am 0n Feb 29. It seems Sydney time is 7 hours ahead. A2: Approximately 14 hours.
The flight time from Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport to Dubai, United Arab Emirates is about 15 hours.
The average flight time is 1 hour, 24 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The average flight time is 14 hours, 3 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The average flight time is 1 hour, 28 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The average flight time is 4 hours, 26 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The average flight time is 9 hours, 52 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The average flight time is 1 hour, 34 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The Flight Time is 26 Hours The Flight Time is 26 Hours
Flight Time is about 9 hours, runway to runway.
The flight time is half an hour
What is Flight time Singapore to Athens ?
flight time from CA to NC
4 hours flight time!