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Your body has several different lines of defense against infections. One of these is your lymphatic system. When your body is fighting off an infection, your lymphatic system helps to filter out and drain the by products. When your immune system finds an infection it sends white blood cells to kill it. These white blood cells, after being filtered by your lymphatic system are then spilled out of your body (ie, urine, fecal matter). A lab test that shows a high amount of Lymphocytes or Leukocytes, simply means that your body is fighting an infection of some kind.

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Your lymphocyte count is increased when the body is fighting some kind of infection.

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Q: When is the lymphocyte count increased?
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This would depend upon the what is causing the high lymphocyte count and which lymphocyte is elevated. For serious questions involving actual cases, you need to ask your physician.

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it is an indication of bacterial infection

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viral infection

Is 1 percent increased in lymphocyte count dangerous?

No. A 1% increase is negligible and could even be due to sampling or machine error. Even if it wasn't an error, and your lymphocyte count is truly elevated 1%, it isn't significant to warrant any concern. A slight increase like that can be caused by almost anything; maybe your shower was hot, maybe your orange juice was sour, maybe you stubbed your toe, maybe you were listening to a boring lecture about lymphocyte counts and how they can be elevated by almost anything...

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Why do infants have high lymphocyte count?

iam not sure but i think becuase they are developing their immunity

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allergic reaction

What is absolute lymphocyte?

Absolute lymphocyte count is the number of lymphocytes (a certain type of infection fighting white blood cell) in a given volume of blood. This is in distinction to the percentage of white cells that are lymphocytes.

What causes a low white blood count and a low lymphocyte absolute count?

White Blood Cell count less than 500 places the patient at risk for a fatal infection.