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Yes, my father worked at WinCo for 27 years seven years ago my parents split and two years later my mom got a check for $100,000 from winco and has gotten a check about that much every year since (She chose to take her payments over ten years) now my dad is about to get his first payment next month and they just valued his esop worth at over six million dollars. Esop is not imaginary, it is very real.

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Q: Has winco foods pay any one there esop?
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Is there a Winco foods in Spokane?

Yes, there are two. One on Nevada St. and one on Sprague Ave.

Will winco foods be in Tucson AZ?

As of January 2013 there is not one in Tucson but there are 3 in Phoenix so cross your fingers for one in Tucson in the near future.

Does Winco Foods have a store in Las Vegas?

Winco should open up in Henderson in March/April 2012...YEAH! Followed by one on Decatur

What is the stock Symbol for Winco?

There is no stock symbol for WinCo since WinCo is not in the stock exchange

What steps should one take to implement an ESOP plan?

Steps that should be taken to implement an ESOP plan are first finding out whether other owners are amendable. Then the next thing to do is to conduct a feasibility study and a valuation. Next step is to hire an ESOP attorney, fund the plan, and finally establish a process to operate the plan.

Is Winco foods opening a store in Bend Oregon?

I heard Winco Foods has a couple of hurdles to get over before breaking ground in Bend. One is trying to gain access at Hwy. 97 (Bend Parkway) & 3rd St. The other obstacle is negotiating the purchase of a piece of property adjacent to where the store would be which is imperative to having the correct zoning. My husband has worked at Winco for ten years and we have been anxiously waiting for the Bend store to open so he could hopefully transfer...but it has been years! I hope it eventually gets off the ground. Andy O says: There is a perfect location just off Hwy 97.. the WalMart store, which is sitting empty. It has great access to north or south bound traffic on 97. Does WINCO feel that it HAS to be in Bend? I had the same thought, but I am sure the Super WalMart might pitch a fit with that one! My dad is in real estate and he was taking a look at the vacant building a year or so ago...and the car he parked next to had a briefcase with a Corperate Winco Foods ID tag on it, so I guess they were sniffing around at the same prospect. I think Redmond would be better than Bend actually, that way they get all of the surrounding areas including Prineville and Madras, and I am pretty sure people would go a little bit out of their way to save $40 every shopping trip.

Why does Justin Bieber's like his favorite foods?

Same reason any one has for liking their favourite foods.

What class action lawsuit against an airline was settled in the last 6 months?

Here's one from August 07: CHICAGO -- Class Plaintiffs and the United Airlines Corporation Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Committee announced today that they have reached a settlement in the class action lawsuit entitled Summers et al v. UAL Corporation ESOP Committee, et al, No. 03 C 1537. Under the settlement agreement, the ESOP Committee's insurer will pay $5.25 million to the ESOP participants (minus Court-approved attorneys' fees and expenses), to be divided among the Class members. Does that help?

Shareholders in shriram insight?

What is the exact question? Generally one can hold shares in the company after the completion of 3 years. It is under ESOP option. Now what next?

Is a Winco store going to open in Wenatchee area?

* The Spokane Valley WinCo foods is under construction right now 10/2008. It is located at Sprague and Farr. I understand it should be complete by the winter * of 2009. * == == == == * == == *

Did Cortes find food?

no cortes did not find any new foods to his colony that is one of his failishments

What are ESOPs?

ESOP is short for Employee Stock Option Plan. Companies provide their employees the option of purchasing stock in the company at reduced rates. The employee has the purchase price of the stock shared deducted from their income.