Yes Jessica played by Gillian Kearney left casualty in 2010 as she was prepering to get married and was pregant. She gave birth to a baby boy, like her charcter Jess did.
no people she is officially not having a baby in real life
The cast of Lag in Real Life - 2012 includes: Kyle Barber as Kyle Jessica Brohard as Jess Kirk Wallace as Kirk
no! shailene does not have a baby!
Is Victoria on young and the restless pregant in real life wit jt baby
no the baby is not lacey turners in eastenders
Fric man she has a baby what what's his or her name?
Yes, she is pregnant in real life and is due in September. I don't know what the show makers will do about that but they are smart enough to figure it out. To cover it up they made Amy pregnant on the show.
In the Hello Baby show that is... In real life, nope, sadly.
Bahh bah baby bah baby bell
No, Bella(Kristen Stewart) has no children.