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Yes, they tried to persecute us gays

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Q: Has homosexuality even been illegal in any us state?
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Do Arabian nations accept Homosexuality?

No, in fact homosexuality is illegal in almost all Arab countries except Egypt, the West Bank, and Lebanon. Several Arab countries even have the death penalty for homosexuality.

Was homosexuality ever been illegal in UK?

Alledgedly, around 1533 it was first made illegal. This was righted by the Sexual Offences Act of 1967. It didn't stop men from having homosexual partners though. Even a few kings were discovered to have had them.

Is homosexuality legal in the whole world?

Homosexuality is legal in many countries around the world, but there are also countries where it is still illegal and even punishable by law. Laws regarding homosexuality vary significantly from country to country, with some offering legal protection and recognition, while others criminalize same-sex relationships.

Does the state of Arizona or any other state have the right to deport illegal aliens once they are arrested even though they were not arrested by ICE or INS?

Yes. It's illegal to be and illegal person in the they have the right to have them deported if they are suspected of illegal immigration.

What is the name of the gene for homosexuality?

It doesn't have a name because it hasn't been found yet. It hasn't even been proven that there is one yet. It is highly debated between scientists. Some think it is a false theory and others believe it is possible that there is a gene.

When did homosexuality in America start?

Homosexuality didn't "start" in America, any more than left handed people "started" at any particular time. They were and are just part of the population in general, whether they make it known to others or not. Still, you can say that homosexuality was around pretty much as soon as people began traveling to and settling in the Americas, meaning North, Central and South America. That means gay people were here thousands of years ago. And earlier than that, homosexuality would have been in the Americas long before any humans showed up, back when it was called Pangaea, since there are homosexual animals too. So even as far back as when dinosaurs roamed - and before that, too - there would have been homosexualilty in "America".

Does yoann gourcuff has a girlfriend?

No, he is not gay. He is just homosexuality friendly, meaning he is ok with homosexuality but is not himself. He even has a girlfriend in Lyon.

Is it illegal to install a surveillance camera system on the dash of your vehicle?

The legality of installing a surveillance camera in the dash of your vehicle depends on the state you will be driving in. Some states it is illegal to have it installed even if you don't reside in that state and you can be penalized for just driving through the state with it.

Is it illegal for a 15 year old female to date a 19 year old male in the state of Illinois even with no sexual intercourse or intimacy?

Dating is not illegal. Sex between those two is illegal and prosecutable.

What is anti-inbreeding laws?

They mean it is illegal to have a child with a first relative such as a sister or even a mother. What they exactly are though depends on a state by state basis.

Was homosexuality practiced when Jesus was alive?

Yes. It was practiced even before he was alive.

Why do people call people gay?

Because homosexuality has been looked down upon by society for thousands of years. And it still is by many. Even the medical community is finding out its a defect.