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The War du!
One thing that was happening to a lot of small time family farmers during the progressive era was that their children went off to college. They did not want to stay at home and work the farm. They wanted an easier life.
is 666 happening in america
There was a lot going on during 1942 rations woman had many jobs do to the world war going on this is very simple research if you very easily if you just type American History 1942
Happening each day: daily.
Diurnal is an adjective describing something occurring daily, normally happening in the daytime, or awake and active during the day. Example sentence:Few desert creatures are strictly diurnal and even those who hunt during the day take frequent rest periods out of the direct sun.
The opposite is diurnal `happening by day, coming out during the day, occurring every day'. Animals which come out at twilight are called crepuscular.
it is about the photosynthesis. It is happening only in the day time.
It is called a winter solstice. This happens during December 21 wherein the day is shortest.
During the summer - it's a daily occurrence - at 11:30 am. During winter, it's every other day - at the same time.
Monitor weight gain from daily activities here to prevent obesity from happening.
Tuesday June 6th 1944. Bad weather prevented the landings happening on the Monday.
"FYI Daily" in a TV program typically stands for "For Your Information Daily." It's a segment where they give viewers a quick update on news, gossip, or events happening that day. So, basically, it's a little nugget of info to keep you in the loop without having to do the work yourself.
remembrance day has been happening since 1946
* of or belonging to or active during the day; "diurnal animals are active during the day"; "diurnal flowers are open during the day and closed at ... * having a daily cycle or occurring every day; "diurnal rotation of the heavens" * A flower that opens only in the day; A book containing canonical offices but not matins; A diary or journal; A daily news publication; Occurring daily; Primarily active during the day; Open during daylight hours, closed at night; Repeated or recurring daily. ... * Performed in twenty-four hours, such as the diurnal rotation of the Earth. * Active by day-, as opposed to nocturnal. * Occurring in the daytime. A patient may have a diurnal fever rather than a nocturnal one. Diurnal also can refer to recurring every day. ... * Daily; related to actions which are completed in the course of a calendar day, and which typically recur every calendar day (eg, diurnal ... * Most active during the daytime rather than at night. * active by day. * during the daytime. The diurnal resting places of mosquitoes, especially newly-fed females, may be important in malaria control * Organisms that are active during daylight hours. * Pertaining to the day time. Used in referring to the 'sect' of a chart: ie either diurnal or nocturnal. If someone is born during the day time when the Sun is above the horizon then they have a diurnal chart. If they are born at night then they have a nocturnal chart. * day or daytime; daily or daily cycles; as opposed to nocturnal. * The term diurnal refers to a tide which has a period or cycle of approximately one tidal day (about 25 hours). Diurnal tides usually have one high and one low tide each day. The tides at Karumba are a typical example of diurnal tides. * literally "of the day", but here meaning having a period or a "tidal day", ie about 24.8 hours See also: semi-diurnal * referring to daily phenomena. * of flowers, opening only during daylight hours. * Recurring daily. Diurnal processes on Earth repeat themselves every 24 hours but on the Moon repeat every 28 Earth days. The length of a lunar day is 28 Earth days. * A reference to a period of one day. * relating to or occurring in a 24-hour period; daily * Daily, usually applied to events or cycles that repeat on daily intervals. * Used to describe birds that are active during the day. Most birds are diurnal. * Pertaining to the daylight portion of the 24-hour day.