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If the red ribbon is in the horses tail it means the the horse kicks out. It's a warning sign saying "Stay far away so you don't get kicked." Usually you'll see this when the horse is in a class with many other horses in the ring at one time.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

A green ribbon in a horse's tail may symbolize a few different things, such as a sign that the horse is for sale or that the horse has completed a difficult course or event. It can also signify that the horse is being used for breeding purposes.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Green ribbon Means that the horse is young. He/She might do something unexpected like jump or spook at something the others might not, he/she might buck or kick out and you should respect him/her because he/she is probably getting used to theshowground or wherever they are.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The horse is green (i.e. young and inexperienced). This is typically used on the hunt field and in show rings to inform other riders that the horse may behave unexpectedly.

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Q: Green ribbon in a horses tail means?
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You are unable to plait your horse's tail or put a ribbon in, sadly.

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A red ribbon on a horses tail means that horse is a kicker. ^Used in horse shows. Just as above answer says, it is a warning so in a open flat class you do not ride too close to the other horse.

Yellow ribbon in a horses tail?

This means that the horse is a stallion. Stay away, especially if you have a mare that is in heat. ~Deb~

A yellow ribon in a horses tail means what?

When trail riding or showing a red ribbon means the horse kicks so stay back. I suppose a yellow ribbon might mean the same.

When a red ribbon is tied to a horses tail at a horse show what does this mean?

It means that you shouldn't let your horse get to close to that horses behind because that horse will kick.

If you are At a show what color of ribbon tied on a horses tail mean that it is a girl?

For Howrse: The horse might kick.It means that the horse is a kicker.The red ribbon means that the horse has been known to kick and you should stay well means taht the horse is likely to kick out if you get too close to it.

A red ribbon tied around a horse's tail at a show means?

That the horse is a girl and it is in the show as the star.

A red ribbon tied to your horse's tail at a show means?

stay away from its rear end- it'll kick. ;)

What are the different ribbon colors in horse events?

Different ribbon colors in horse events typically signify different rankings or achievements. For example, blue ribbons often indicate first place, red ribbons second place, yellow ribbons third place, and white ribbons can indicate other achievements or special awards.

How do you grow a horses tail?

You cannot grow a horses tail, no way magically, unless you are insane and you are addicted to surgery to get a horses tail. that's all i know. Buy a foal or a colt. Let him grow. Its tail will grow with him.

How did a pony tail get its name?

it looks like a horses tail, obviously.