Depending on the context, the Greek word for "lost" is "χαμένος" (haménos) /adjective used with Greek masculine nouns, "χαμένη" (haméni)/adjective used with Greek feminine nouns and "χαμένο" (haméno)/adjective used with Greek neutral nouns.
The Greek word for experience is εμπειρία (empeiría).
The Greek philosopher Empedocles first used the Greek word "atomos" to describe matter as indivisible and uncuttable. This concept laid the foundation for the development of atomic theory in later centuries.
The Greek word for "prosperity" is ευημερία (evimería).
In Greek, the word "collo" does not have a specific meaning. It is not a Greek word.
There is no known Greek word "jejerius." It is possible that it may be a misspelling or not a real word in the Greek language.
Έχω χάσειThis is '' i hav lost'' in Greek ! :D xx
Alcyone was the Greek goddes who lost her husband at sea.
άφωτο (aphoto), α-φωτο non-light, something that has no light or lost it. Rarely used.
"den eimai" for example: to tell someone "i'm not Greek" you say "den eimai Elliniki"
the greek word for egg is: avgo
The Greek word for experience is εμπειρία (empeiría).
the greek god of lost souls is hades.
The Greek word for 'science' is "επιστήμη" (epistímē).
The Greek philosopher Empedocles first used the Greek word "atomos" to describe matter as indivisible and uncuttable. This concept laid the foundation for the development of atomic theory in later centuries.
The greek word for animal is zodiac. The greek word for turtle is still unknown.
There is no Greek word for golf. We use the word ''golf'' or in Greek letters ''Γκόλφ''.