I searched hard and there are no Greek gods, heroes, deities, or mythical creatures who's name starts with a Q.
There are no greek god/goddesses starting with Q.
Persephone (Greek) Proserpine/Proserpina (Roman)Pan (Greek)Poseidon (Greek)Pluto (Roman)
Gaea or Gaia aka Earth or the Goddess of Earth
He is Greek god, but he does have a roman version Jupiter
Hera and Hermes were gods that began with "her". A godling, or demigod, that began with "her" was Heracles (Roman Name:Hercules)
There are no greek god/goddesses starting with Q.
Iris was the god of the rainbow
In Greek mythology Chaos was the Greek god who created earth. His name begins with the letter C.
Xuthus, better known has Greek Goddess Hellen's son, but he was not really a god just a mythical ancestor of the Achaeans and Ionians. There was no Greek God or Goddess that's name starts with an X really.
· Limos - the Greek goddess of starvation
In Greek mythology, Eros was the god of love.
lelantos , leto