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Q: Germany took out an advertisement in the what during world war 1?
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What nation took over France during world war 2?


Did Britain help France in world war 1?

No, France gave in to Germany, and Germany then took over France. We did not help them. Not in World War I, the war the question asks about. Britain joined France in its fight againt Germany during the first World War.

What country took over Germany during World War 2 for their valuable sea ports and harbors?

The Red army who were the first to entetr Berlin took official control over all exports and imports from Germany

Hogan's Heroes took place in which country?

"Hogan's Heroes" took place in a fictional German prisoner-of-war camp during World War II.

Where was world war placed?

world war 1 took place in Europe, the middle east and Germany. world war 2 took place in Russia ,Germany, France, and Belgium.

Did Germany lead the most attacks during World War 2?

Yes, Hitler and the Nazis took part in and plannedd most of the attacks in World War II.

How did Germany have an army during World War 2 when their Army was banned after World War I?

After Hitler took control of the German government, he proceeded to build up Germany's military. This was in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, but no one was in the mood and/or in the position to stop him.

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Were there lizards during the time of the Holocaust?

It depends if you are talking about location. Do you mean in Germany where the Holocaust took place or just everywhere in the world? If you're asking if lizards existed in Germany during the Holocaust then that would be yes and so would the other question.

Who were the allies that took control af germany after World War 2?

The United States of America, Great Britain, USSR, and France took control of Germany after World War 2.

Did Germany take over Japan during world war 2?

No, Germany did not take over Japan. After world war 2, Germany did throw two atomic bombs in Japan, but they never took over their land because there was no one to rule them because adolf Hitler was dead.

What has Hitler done in his life?

took part in world war 1, a good artist and most well known for his leadership in Germany during the third Reich