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Friend = amicus. We get "amicable" from this.

Some of the forms:


Nominative (friend doing something): amicus

Vocative (talking directly to the friend) amice (e.g. "Salve, amice"= Hello, friend)

Accusative (friend receives an action): amicum

Dative: (something is done to or for the friend): amico

Genitive: (Of the friend/belonging to the friend): amici


Nom.: amici

Voc.: amici

Acc.: amicos

Dat: amicis

Gen.: amicorum

Don't worry about ablative.

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12y ago
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15y ago

The latin word for friendship is amistad. If not you could give it a search in Google or other search engines around the internet. 'Amistad' is Spanish. The Latin for 'friendship' is Amicitia.

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11y ago

The most common word for friend is Amicus, amici, m.

To say the "friend of so-and-so", "friend" will be whatever case the sentence demands, and "of so-and-so" will be in the genitive case.

For example:

The friend of Peter runs in the forest:

Amicus Petri currit in silva/

I attacked the friend of Peter:

Oppugno amicum Petri.

I walked with the friend of Peter:

Ambulo cum amico Petri.

I gave money to the friend of Peter:

Pecuniam amico Petri dedi.

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15y ago

Amicus or Familiáris are the words which mean friends in Latin. (male) Female amicae familiae

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13y ago

Amicizia is the Italian word for friendship.

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15y ago

Amici linguæ latinæ, literally; friends of the latin language

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12y ago

дружба (pronounced druzhba)

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Amici sumus, literally "we are friends."

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What is 'friendship' when translated from English to Italian?

Amicizia is a literal Italian equivalent of the English word "friendship." The pronunciation of the feminine singular noun will be "A-mee-TCHEE-tysa" in Italian.

What is the Italian translation of the English word 'friendship'?

Amicizia is an Italian equivalent of the English word "friendship".Specifically, the word is a feminine noun in its singular form. It may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article l'* ("the"). The pronunciation will be 'A-mee-TCHEE-tsya" in Italian.*The article actually is la. But the vowel drops -- and is replaced by an apostrophe -- before a noun which begins with a vowel.

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Italian Friendship - 1912 was released on: USA: 15 June 1912

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Ah-mee-CHEE-tsee-ah is the pronunciation of the Italian word 'amicizia'. The word is a feminine gender noun that takes as its definite article 'la' ['the'] and as its indefinite article 'una' ['a, one']. It means 'friendship'.

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Amicizia is an Italian equivalent of 'friendship'. It's a feminine gender noun that takes as its definite article 'la' ['the'], and as its indefinite article 'una' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'ah-mee-CHEE-tsee-ah' or quickly 'ah-mee-CHEE-tsyah'.

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Con amicizia is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "with friendship." The prepositional phrase also translates as "with (a) circle of friends." The pronunciation will be "ko-NA-mee-TCHEE-tsya" in Italian.

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