Because back then, $600 was a lot of money, and in the book it says that one of the sellers needs an operation so there.
Yes, they can. Google it, and don't listen to people who only say "No" without a reason.
It is written right on the card, and few people are wary enough that people do not see it. Every business that accepts that credit card has a record of it. But the only reason for needing it otherwise...would be to illegally use it. So getting someone's credit card number is only the prelude to a criminal act.
It is because something happens they think they can't handle and they think the only way out is suicide.
Only 1, that would be the first one. If it were 10.01 it would be 4 but as it is effectively 1 followed by 0's It will only be 1 Because 10.00 is the same as 10 and the same as 10.000000, the 1 Is the significant number * * * * * I disagree. Unless the trailing 0s are there for decorative purposes, they are there for a reason and that reason is to indicate the degree of precision. Consequently there are 4 significant figures.
In order to know how many people it would take, you would have to know what the activity it. While it may only take one person to murder someone else, it would take an army to fight a war.
The four people left at the ranch on Saturday night are the cowboy, the rancher, the cook, and the cow.
one reason and one reason only: to raise capital
Don Johnson has a 20 acre ranch, in California... In Texas we call that our back yard. Seriously it would be a matter of opinion. I would consider a small ranch a hundred acres or so.
Hayley does not bring any Dialgas to your ranch, so the only way to get a Dialga would be to trade from Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
you cannot get shinnies on ranch you can only transfer your shiny Pokemon to ranch
A horse ranch is a regular ranch with only horses.
Persephone is a very compassionate Goddess, she does not do harm to people. The only reason she ever would is if they crossed her in a negative manner.
No, you can only have one ranch.
If you need to build a level 2 item on your ranch, you'll need your ranch house to be a level 2 or above.
To connect an external hard drive it would, but that would be the only reason to connect USB.
The most common irrational fear in the world is speaking (singing) in front of others. The reason, the only reason you would fear groups larger than three people is that you do not yet realize that the only difference between the two is that more people make more noise when they applaud.
Platinum is only compatible with Pokemon Ranch in Japan.