The flight time from Vancouver in Canada to London in England is approximately 9 hours and 27 minutes.
The total distance is 7615.81 km or 4732 miles.
The flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could alter the length of the flight.
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It is Air Canada flight 855, leaving London Heathrow at 1105am, arriving in Vancouver 12.35pm
There are no direct flights from London City Airport to Vancouver. Most flights from this airport are short haul except for one daily flight to and from New York. The easiest way is to travel from London Heathrow to Vancouver.
I would guess 14.5 hours based on Vancouver/London = 9.30 and London/Cairo = 5
London (LON) to Vancouver, BC (YVR) Shortest Flight Duration 9 hours 20 mins
The flight time from London, England to Vancouver, British Columbia is approximately 10hrs.
From London to Vancouver is 9.5 hours. Then from Vancouver to Kelowna is another 45min flight or a 4 hour drive. There are no direct flights
The approximate flight duration from Vancouver, Canada to London, UK is 9 hours and 57 minutes. So, if a plane leaves Vancouver at 11 am it will land in London at approximately 8.57 pm.
this is a 10 hour flight, you can have a look for all travel distances at
A flight from Vancouver to London would be about 10 hours if you can find a direct flight. Otherwise you would need to factor in stopovers. I do believe there are a number of direct flights.
Tokyo Narita to Vancouver is 8 hours 10 mins to 9 hours 00 mins Vancouver to Tokyo Narita is 8 hours 50 mins to 9 hours 50 mins Japan is 17 hours ahead of Vancouver Going to Vancouver about -9 hours from when you left Going to Tokyo about +26 hours from when you left
The flight time between London,UK and Vancouver,Canada according to Expedia is Total distance: 7,585 km (4,713 mi) Total duration: 9hr 35min
please calculate air flight time between Vancouver and phjoenix Arizona