The flight distance from Auckland, New Zealand to Vancouver, Canada is 7,041 miles.
the time a flight takes to go from Auckland to lima is the time it takes to go from lima to Auckland
The flight time from Auckland Airport to Maldives is 13 hours, 41 minutes.
The flight time from Auckland Airport to Rome, Italy is 22 hours, 53 minutes.
The flight times varies according to the speed of the flight. If the flight is flying at a faster speed then the times may change. We are providing you with standard flight timings. The flight time for the above mentioned trip is.14 hours 5 mins
Honolulu, HI (HNL) to Auckland (AKL)Shortest Flight Duration 9 hours 20 mins
Otopeni-Istanbul-Singapore-Auckland: 28 hours
The flight time is 13 hours, 1 minute.
The flight time is approximately 23 hours, 2 minutes.
The flight time is approximately 13 hours.
The flight time from Auckland Airport to Los Angeles International Airport is approximately 13 hours.
19hr 45min Auckland (AKL) to Dubai (DXB) by a direct flight operated by Emirates Airlines. The flight stops at Sydney (SYD).