There are 6 types of flamingos, here they are: Chilean Flamingo Lesser Flamingo James' Flamingo Andean Flamingo Greater Flamingo Caribbean Flamingo
There are 6 types of flamingos, here they are: Chilean Flamingo Lesser Flamingo James' Flamingo Andean Flamingo Greater Flamingo Caribbean Flamingo
The four species of flamingos are the Greater Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo, Chilean Flamingo, and Caribbean Flamingo. These species can be distinguished by differences in size, coloration, and distribution.
simply a female flamingo and a male flamingo
A flamingo party is an outdoor party with flamingo decorations.
The Latin name for an American flamingo is Phoenicopterus rubber. The American flamingo has also been called the Caribbean flamingo, and is the only type of flamingo that inhabits North America.
The Flamingo could have one of three genus names:PhoenicopterusPhoeniconaiasPhoenicoparrusKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClade: DinosauriaClass: AvesOrder: PhoenicopteriformesFamily: PhoenicopteridaeGenus/Species:Chilean flamingo -- Phoenicopterus chilensisAmerican flamingo -- Phoenicopterus ruberGreater flamingo -- Phoenicopterus roseusLesser flamingo -- Phoeniconaias minorAndean flamingo -- Phoenicoparrus andinusJames's flamingo -- Phoenicoparrus jamesi
what color is a flamingo??
'Flamingo' is called 'ā¤Ģā¤ŧāĨā¤˛āĨā¤Žā¤ŋā¤ā¤āĨ' in Hindi.
In Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland the Red Queen uses a flamingo as a croquet mallet.However, the Red Queen doesn't actually appear in the original book or in Disney's 1951 animated adaptation. In those versions it is the Queen of Hearts who uses a flamingo as a croquet mallet.
male flamingo