The following have Red, White, and Blue flags:
Burma (Myanmar)
Cook Island
Cost Rico
Faroe Islands
French Guiana
French Southern & Antarctic Lands
Great Britain (United Kingdom)
The Netherlands
Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand
North Korea
Puerto Rico
United States
Wallis & Futuna Islands
The following use the French National Flag as their own:
French Guiana (South America)
Guadeloupe (Caribbean)
Martinique (Caribbean)
Mayotte (Africa)
Please see the link below for more information on flags and these countries and territrories.
Mauritania - Green field with yellow crescent and star
Libya - Entirely green field
Jamaica - Yellow "X" with green and black triangles
They are red, white or blue.
red, white, and blue
Before the yellow and red flags were introduced the flags used to be white and blue. Scuba diving flags are also blue and white. Red and white is a shark flag. I have been on patrol for over 10 years, we have never used a blue and white flag.
Red white & Blue
the three colors of the flag of France are blue,white and red
12 US states have flags that predominantly feature the colors red, white, and blue. They are : Arkansas - white diamond on blue diamond on red rectangle Colorado - red C on blue and white stripes Georgia - blue field on red and white stripes Hawaii - UK union jack with red, white, and blue stripes Iowa - white field between vertical red and blue stripes Mississippi - Confederate field on blue white and red stripes Missouri - state seal on red, white, and blue stripes North Carolina - blue field on red and white stripes Ohio - pennant with blue field, red and white stripes Tennessee - blue right edge, white stars on blue circle on red Texas - Lone Star flag with white star on blue field, white and red stripes (inverse of NC) Wyoming - white buffalo on blue, on white, on red *In contrast, there are 24 state flags that are predominantly blue or dark blue with little red.
The Union Flag commonly known as the Union Jack is the blue, white and red flag of the UK.
both their flags are red,white,and blue
Sierra Leone
Because red means hardiness, blue means justice, and white means purity
The flag of the U.S.A. is calledthe star and stripes or red,white and blue.
blue white red in equal vertical bars.