Ten.Five plus five equals ten. Written in numbers, that is: 5+5=10
It is a polynomial expression in x. What about it?
one hundred seventy-five million
it is equal to 6y plus y
y = 5x + 40
Five plus five is never equal to two.
When you subtract it behind it.
two plus two will never equal five you asses
Seven plus five equals 12.
Negative five.
Five plus eight does not equal one. It equals thirteen.
1 and 1 ninths
The number .5 is exactly half. The number .5555555 is equal to half plus five hundredths plus five thousandths plus five ten thousandths plus five hundred thousandths plus five millionths plus five ten millionths, and therefore is greater.
One of anything plus five of the same thing is equal to six of them.
Positive five minus 2 plus three is equal to six.