The feelings you have for your girlfriend should be strong. If you don't have these feelings you need to break up. There is someone for everyone.
No. If you have feelings for someone, then you do. You can't control your feelings. If he has a girlfriend, then stick with it. They aren't married. He has no real commitment to his girlfriend.
does your friend's girlfriend have feelings for you too? and you need to figure out which is more important to you, your friend and your current girlfriend? or your friend's girlfriend... i can't help you that much sorry :(
what do you have to lose? if you have feelings for this 22year old guy then you should go for it, however, be aware of the consequences involving the age difference and the fact that he already has a girlfriend.
Tell him, "If I had feelings for him, I'd be his girlfriend.
she has no more feelings for you? she ran out of feelings for you
Tell you her your feelings about her
still has feelings for her
It is OK for you to feel like your girlfriend doesn't trust you. You are entitled to your own feelings and if that is what you feel,that is fine. However, you should discuss your feelings with your girlfriend if they are making you feel bad.
That would depend on if you want to act on those feelings and especially how you feel towards your girlfriend. If you are not sure and confused of your feelings the best thing you could do is to let your girlfriend go and take time for yourself to sort your feelings out as you cannot be in a committed relationship while having feelings outside it. Don't jump right into another relationship especially when your not sure where all your feelings ly.
Ask her out again.
To find this out you hang out with the girl to see if you still have feelings for her. That will give you your true feelings about her.