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Convex lenses are thicker in the middle then the edges and concave are thicker at the edges then the middle. When light travels through lenses, refraction occurs. The light bends either outward or inward, it depends on the lens.

The lens of your eye is a double convex lens. Its job is to focus the image on the retina of the eye. If one is farsighted, the lens in the eye causes the focus to be behind the retina. These people see far but have some difficultly seeing close-up.

To correct this farsightedness, the person would wear glasses or contacts with convex lenses, for It is often used for close examination of small objects.

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3mo ago

Eyeglasses or contact lenses with concave (minus) lenses are commonly used to correct nearsightedness (myopia). These lenses help focus light rays properly onto the retina, improving distance vision for individuals with nearsightedness.

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13y ago

Long sightedness is corrected by wearing spectacles having convex lens of such a focal length which forms a virtual image of the object. Hence a clear image of the object is formed on retina.

Short sightedness can be corrected by wearing spectacle having suitable concave lens. This concave lens helps the light, coming from the object, to diverge.

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13y ago

Farsightedness can usually be corrected using convex lenses.

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14y ago

The lenses needed if you are nearsighted are Concave Lenses

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13y ago

Concave lenses are used to correct nearsightedness.

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12y ago

a concave lens

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13y ago

concave and diverging

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11y ago

a converging lens or concave

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Q: What lens used to correct nearsightedness?
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What type of lens is used to correct nearsightedness vison?

A concave lens is used to correct nearsightedness, also known as myopia. This type of lens diverges light rays before they reach the eye's lens, thus moving the focal point back to the retina for clearer vision.

What is a sentence for concave lens?

A concave lens is used to correct nearsightedness by diverging light rays before they reach the eye, helping to focus images properly on the retina.

What are objects that include a concave lens?

Objects that include a concave lens include eyeglasses for nearsightedness, binoculars, and telescopes. Concave lenses are used to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and to diverge light rays, resulting in magnified and clear images.

What is a concave lens?

A concave lens is a lens that is thinner at the center and thicker at the edges. It is used to correct myopia (nearsightedness) by diverging light rays before they enter the eye, thus helping to focus the image on the retina. Concave lenses are often used in glasses or contact lenses for people with nearsightedness.

What is the common way to correct nearsightedness?

Place a concave lens in front of th eeye

What ocular lens is used for near sight?

The ocular lens used for nearsightedness is known as a diverging lens. It is also known as a concave lens.

Which lens is thinner in the center than at the edge?

A concave lens is thinner in the center than at the edge. This type of lens curves inward, causing it to be thicker at the edges and thinner in the center. It is used to correct myopia or nearsightedness.

What do convex and concave lens do?

A convex lens converges light rays to a focal point, used to correct hyperopia (farsightedness) or create magnification in optical devices. A concave lens diverges light rays, used to correct myopia (nearsightedness) or reduce image size in optical systems.

What is a lens that curves inward?

A concave lens curves inward and is thinner at the center than at the edges. It diverges light rays and can correct nearsightedness.

What is convexo-concave lens?

A convexo-concave lens is a lens that has one side convex (outward bulging) and the other side concave (inward curving). This type of lens can be used to correct myopia (nearsightedness) by diverging light rays entering the eye.

What lens has a thinner middle than the edges?

A concave lens has a thinner middle than the edges. This causes light rays passing through the lens to diverge, which is why concave lenses are often used to correct vision problems like nearsightedness.

What type of lens for -5.00 dioptre?

A -5.00 diopter lens would likely be a concave lens, also known as a diverging lens, since it is used to correct nearsightedness (myopia). The lens will help diverge light rays before they reach the eye, allowing the image to be properly focused on the retina.