

Drugs and the Law

Though the laws that regulate and prohibit drugs are complex, ignorance of these will not exempt an individual from being prosecuted. The first US law on drugs was an ordinance which prohibited the smoking of opium in San Francisco in 1875.

1,390 Questions

What happens to first offense possession marijuana 4 ounces or less but more than 2 ounces?

In many states, possession of marijuana between 2 and 4 ounces for a first offense can result in misdemeanor charges. Punishments can include fines, probation, or even short jail sentences depending on the state laws. It's important to check the specific laws in your state for accurate information.

Can you be arrested for having a marijauna leaf- No marijauna drugs or marijauna seeds only the leaf of the marijuana plant?

Possession of a marijuana leaf can potentially lead to legal consequences as it could be seen as evidence of marijuana possession. Laws around marijuana vary by jurisdiction, so it is best to check the specific laws in your location.

What is the laws regarding phenylacetylcarbinol possession and buying this chemical?

Phenylacetylcarbinol is a precursor used in the illicit production of phenyl-2-propanone (P2P), a key ingredient in the synthesis of amphetamines. Possession and buying of phenylacetylcarbinol may be regulated under drug precursor laws in many countries, requiring licenses and permits for legitimate use. It is important to check with local authorities or regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

What does case management reset mean in a court case?

In a legal dispute, a "case the board reset" normally implies that a formerly planned case the executives meeting or hearing has been deferred and rescheduled for a later date. A case the executives gathering is a gathering between the adjudicator and the gatherings engaged with a claim to examine the advancement of the case, set cutoff times, and plan the course of the prosecution.

The purposes behind a case the executives reset can fluctuate and could include:

Planning Clashes: at least one gatherings engaged with the case could have a contention with the first date.

Need for Additional Time: The gatherings could require extra opportunity to assemble proof, lead revelation, or take part in settlement exchanges.

Court's Timetable: The court could have clashes or have to revamp its timetable.

Changes In the event that Conditions: New improvements for the situation could require a postponement and rescheduling of the meeting.

During a case the executives gathering, a few issues may examined, include:

The situation with revelation (the most common way of trading data between the gatherings).

Potential settlement conversations.

Setting cutoff times for movements, hearings, and preliminary dates.

Recognizing and restricting the issues to be tended to for the situation.

A reset just moves this significant procedural gathering to another date, guaranteeing that all gatherings have sufficient time and readiness to successfully examine these issues.

Is marijuana legal all over California?

Yes, recreational marijuana use is legal in California for individuals aged 21 and older. However, local regulations may vary, so it's important to check the specific laws in the city or county you are in.

Could someone use medication to make people do things they would not normally want to do?

No, it is not ethical or legal to use medication to control someone's behavior against their will. Medication should only be used to treat medical conditions and should never be used as a tool for manipulation or coercion. It is important to respect an individual's autonomy and personal choices.

What is a good topic for social phenomenon?

One good topic for a social phenomenon could be the rise of digital activism and its impact on social movements. This could involve exploring how online platforms have changed the way people engage with activism, spread awareness, and mobilize for causes.

Can you report an illegal immigrant?

Yes you can and you should report illegal Immigration for the reasons stated below. Simply call DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security). A couple of their telephone contact numbers are:

Operator Number: 202-282-8000

Comment Line: 202-282-8495

Illegal immigrants are commtting a crime. In most instances, they did not apply for a visa at a U.S. Consulate, they did not pay the visa application fees, they were not interviewed for worthiness to enter the U.S., their backgrounds were not checked to see if they were dangerous criminals or narcotics traffickers and they obviously failed to respect the U.S.'s laws. Furthermore, they often times illegally work in the U.S., and they steal or illegally use somebody else's Social Security number to gain employment. Therefore, many times an illegal alien breaks three federal laws.

They work for wages much less than the going-American wage, which results in lower wages for the people who compete against them and need better wages the most - working class US citizens and legal residents. This results in many Americans earning less money and paying less taxes than they should, and further grows the ever-increasing wealth gap between the rich and the poor and negatively impacts the federal budget deficit.

A great number of illegal aliens also traffick dangerous drugs, such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. Illegal alien, Mexican national narcotics traffickers, for example, dominate the distribution of those drugs through-out most regions of the U.S., except for South Florida and New England. 33% of all prisoners in federal penitentiaries are foreign nationals, and most of them are incarcerated for drug trafficking. Check with your local DEA office, and they will cofirm this information.

So, the next time you hire a company that uses illegal labor or if you contract an illegal alien for a job around the house, you are contributing to our nation's economic woes, and you are encouraging our nation to further break from the Rule of Law.

Alcohol is a colorless odorless volatile pungent drug that acts as a?

depressant on the central nervous system. It can impair coordination, judgment, and cognitive function, leading to altered behavior and potential health consequences when consumed in excess.

How much does a paraphernalia ticket cost in the state of Wisconsin?

The cost of a paraphernalia ticket in Wisconsin can vary depending on the court and the specific circumstances of the offense. Typically, the fine for a first-time offense can range from $150 to $500. However, additional fees and court costs may also apply. It is advisable to check with the local court or authorities for specific information related to a paraphernalia ticket in Wisconsin.

Charged with Using the postal service to send drugs?

If someone is charged with using the postal service to send drugs, they may face serious legal consequences. This offense is a federal crime and falls under drug trafficking laws. Possible penalties can include significant fines and lengthy prison sentences.

Can Police enter your home if the only person on Probation on a Drug possession case is not home?

If the police have a valid search warrant, they can enter your home regardless of whether the person on probation is present or not. The search warrant allows them to search the premises for specific items or evidence related to the drug possession case.

How much does a drug paraphernalia ticket cost in tempe Arizona?

The cost of a drug paraphernalia ticket in Tempe, Arizona can vary depending on the specific violation and circumstances. Generally, fines can range from $500 to $2,500. It is advisable to consult with a lawyer or directly contact the Tempe Municipal Court for accurate information regarding fines and penalties.

What is the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972?

The Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 is a piece of Filipino legislation that stipulates which drugs are prohibited in the Philippines, which drugs are regulated in the Philippines, how much jail time will be served for being in possession of aforementioned drugs, what measures should be taken to educate school children about drugs, etc, etc. For the full text of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, please see the related links.

Why is marijuana legal in alaska?

No. It's the same as everywhere else in the world. How good marijuana is depends on how much care was taken into growing, drying and curing it. Not where it was grown.

Do Doctors taper you down on methadone?

Methadone has three medical uses: pain control, maintenance and detox.

In maintenance programs, the addict is given measured doses of a less-intoxicating drug that will allow him or her to function better - take care of business, hold down a job, etc.

While this form of treatment, using Methadone, is popular due to government programs, most addiction professionals consider it unacceptable, as it does nothing to help the person recover from the addiction. The methadone, itself an addictive drug, simply keeps the brain accustomed to the presence of drugs, and does nothing to remove either the need for them or the craving. Put simply, the addict remains an addict - still dependent on drugs in order to function. Combine, with the foregoing, the fact that it is quite possible to get high on Methadone itself, or use it to maintain in between bouts of using other opiates, and you can see that it is not all that it's cracked up to be by the folks with vested economic and bureaucratic interest in its continued use.

Methadone detox is likewise undesirable. At best, an opiate addict has an uncomfortable time in detox. Methadone itself has a longer and more difficult detox than heroin and most other opiates. That means tapering someone off on Methadone will take longer and, if the detox protocol is not followed precisely, the patient is likely to go into full-blown withdrawal. The most common result of that is relapse to the drug of choice.

The bare fact of the matter is that heroin itself is a better choice than Methadone for detox, but it is not legal to use it that way.

The most effective, safest detox protocol is a medically-supervised inpatient program using Suboxone. Opiate detox with Suboxone, properly done, is far shorter and more effective than with other substances, due to its narcotic agonist/antagonist action. The likelihood of relapse is substantially reduced over other drugs and methods, provided that the patient really wants to remain clean.

Having said that, we must caution against the outpatient Suboxone detox that has become widely available in the US and other countries. Outpatient detox is rarely effective, and the doctors providing it are usually not trained in detox procedures. Many of them are storefront operations that, essentially, get the patients hooked on Suboxone and continue to administer it, rather than detoxing the patient and assisting them in finding further help.

Roughly how many addicts are arrested every year?

22 billion people a year are sent to state penitentiaries for possession of drugs.

Are there drug interactions with Amox tr-k clv 875-125?

your ball sack will get really red and ore twitch really bad see your doctor if your balls get really red

What can show up as benzos on a UA?

Can Bactrim show as a false negative for benzodiazapines on a urine screen?

Tommy Harkins

Where do you get food for weed?

Well weed is sold by local dealers that are found in some areas in your neighbourhood. I won't recommend getting and smoking some cause it is damage to your system and it has bad effects on the body.

Time that opana is in your system?


Opana (oxymorphone) is a very potent semi-synthetic opioid analgesic derived from morphine. It has an average half-life of 7-9hrs although it may be more or less in some people.

Opana comes in two formulations, Opana and Opana ER (oxymorphone extended-release). Opana ER is taken every 12hrs and is used for moderate-severe chronic pain requiring the use of an opioid long-term. It is not to be used for people with acute pain or to be taken as needed. Like most extended release opioids including OxyContin (oxycodone controlled-release), MS Contin (morphine sulfate controlled-release), and Kadian (morphine sulfate extended-release) Opana ER is taken twice daily (every 12hrs) to provide continuous around the clock pain control.

Taking Opana ER once daily is not appropriate and may aggravate problems, cause significantly more break through pain, insomnia, and in people who are physically dependent on opioids may experience withdrawal with only one dose. Please note that physical dependency alone is not addiction, which is a behaviour. However physical dependency does commonly occur in opioid addicts.

Opana ER is available in a wide range of doses, 5,7.5,10,15,20,30, and 40 mg tablets. Regular Opana is only available in 5 and 10 mg tablets. When using regular Opana it lasts between 4-6hrs.

Avinza (morphine sulfate extended-release) is the only medication that provides 24hr relief. Additionally Duragesic (fentanyl transdermal), a patch applied to the skin, provides pain relief for 74hrs.

What is the punishment for being arrested for having 30 pounds of pot or weed?

I think this will help you out, good luck! SjayD Any amount (first offense) misdemeanor 1 year $1,000 Any amount (second offense) misdemeanor 15 days MMS* $2,500 Any amount (subsequent offense) misdemeanor or felony 90 days MMS* - 3 years $5,000 *Mandatory minimum sentence. Sale or Cultivation Less than 50 kg felony 5 years $250,000 50 to 100 kg felony 20 years

$1,000,000 100 to 1,000 kg felony 5 - 40 years $2,000,000 1000 kg or more felony 10 years - life $4,000,000 To a minor felony double penalty double penalty Within 1,000 feet of a school, or other specified areas felony double penalty double penalty Gift of small amount see Possession Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...) Paraphernalia sale felony 3 years none