



The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena is all part of science. Nothing is immune to the scientific process: from charm quarks that haven't existed naturally since the beginning of time to Pluto, recently demoted from planet to dwarf planet. Questions on knowledge about the material and physical aspects of our world are asked and answered here.

500 Questions

How fast is the rotation of the earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

The earth spins at approx 1000 mile per hour.

This is quite simple to calculate - the circumference of the planet is 24000 miles approx - and there are 24 hours in a day.

What are seven valuable resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

The seven valuable recources are: 1. Sophie Green 2. Emily Gray 3. Holly Rave 4. Jamaican Tash 5. Heather Purdie 6. Vanessa Fountain 7. Me

How do eyes foucus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eyes are able to focus when the Ciliary muscles attached to the lens adjust itself. They adjust itself so that the curvature of the lens varies according to where the light rays are coming from, so that it hits the retina properly to form a clear image.

How does force affect the motion and speed of an object?

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Asked by Wiki User

As Newton's laws state, the greater the force, the more an object will accelerate or slow down. The force in the opposite direction of motion is called friction. So if you have a 3Kg block travelling at 2m/s, with a friction of 1m/s you will need at least 5N to keep it going. The more force you apply, the faster the block will travel, so it accelerates. The less force you apply the more it slows down and eventually stops because the friction is greater than the force applied. An object that travels in a uniform direction at a uniform speed (Newtons 1st law) will continue traveling in the same way and in the same direction (inertia) unless acted upon by a resultant force (friction).

A beam of light is made from how many lights?

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Asked by Wiki User

the question is phrased poorly, but i think the answer is seven, as in white light is split into seven different wavelengths when passed through a prism.

What is thePressure of gravity fed water tanks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Measure the vertical distance from the top of the water in the tank to the point of use. Multiply that distance by 0.44 to get the answer in psi.

Example: if the top of the tank is 20 feet above the point of use, the water pressure at the point of use will be 8.8 psi.

Note, this does not account for friction losses in the pipe. If the pipe runs a long distance from the tank to the point of use, there will be pressure losses in the pipe, especially if the pipe is a small diameter. The larger diameter, the less those pressure losses will be.

Scientific discoveries in australia?

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Asked by Wiki User

the world is upsidedown. A2. Well, the world is right way up, it is the sky (and stars) that are inverted. When the left half of the moon is bright as seen in the northern hemisphere, in the southern hemisphere it will be the right half that is bright

Green house effect to the environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

Greenhouse gases are very insulating, so when they float up to the atmosphere, they insulate the world. Sunlight and heat goes in through them, but more goes in than goes out. So gradually all the heat is being built up in the world. They are called greenhouse gases because they have the same effect on the Earth that a greenhouse has on the plants inside: it lets heat in but not out.

This is what is causing global warming.

What are some of the disadvantages of traditional farming?

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Asked by Wiki User

you might not get all the profit when people buy it at the shop

What makes air a mixture?

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Asked by Wiki User

air is not a mixture. it is a compound. it is made up of 1 oxygen atom nd 2 hydrogen atoms

How does a backbone that can bend help an animal move?

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Without a backbone that can bend, you would never be able to tie your shoelaces.

Should science be directed?

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Asked by Wiki User

This question is too broad to be answered. Can you elaborate a little? For example, you might mean: Should government-funded researchers be held accountable? or Should medical trial research be conducted and evaluated by completely disinterested parties? or you might mean: Should scientific research be conducted under the direction of a religious authority?

What are the two types of motion according to direction?

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Asked by Wiki User

linear - designated by v

cyclic - designated by w

How do scientists know how hot the sun is?

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Asked by Wiki User

they use a special thermometer to help them test and evaluate how hot the temperature of the sun is and came up with 27 million degrees (F) atthe core.

What are the different types of ego states?

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Asked by Wiki User


GC Patil degree text book for physics?

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Asked by Khanms0n


There are 6 textbooks for B.Sc degree for the subject Physics, by author G. C. Patil

Those are;

A textbook of Physics for B.Sc 1st semister

A textbook of Physics for B.Sc 2nd semister

A textbook of Physics for B.Sc 3rd semister

A textbook of Physics for B.Sc 4th semister

A textbook of Physics for B.Sc 5th semister

A textbook of Physics for B.Sc 6th semister

The topics in the textbook are according to syllabus arranged by Karnatak University

Occurs when homologous chromosomes do not separate in meiosis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nondisjunction occurs when homologous chromosomes do not seperate.

-Amber ^-^