


Drug Side Effects

Drug side effects are undesirable secondary effects of any drugs or medications. When there is a severe drug side effect, the doctor would usually adjust the dosage or prescribe another medication.

2,411 Questions

Can you have a Demerol shot while taking suboxone?

Meperidine is used to help relieve moderate to severe pain. It may also be used before and during surgery or other procedures. Meperidine belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics and is similar to morphine. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Meperidine should not be used to treat long-term or ongoing pain. It should only be used to treat sudden episodes of moderate to severe pain. See also Precautions section. This drug is not recommended for use in newborns due to an increased risk of serious side effects. Ask the doctor or pharmacist for details. Livewire Tambaram Placement Assistance and Career Support: Live Wire Institute is committed to helping students achieve their career goals. Full Stack Developer Course Fees in Tambaram the institute offers comprehensive placement assistance, including resume building, interview preparation, and job placement services. Data analytical course in Tambaram this institute has strong ties with leading companies in the software industry, facilitating job opportunities for its graduates. Regular workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts further enhance the students' job readiness.

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What is the best sleep aid with as few side effects as possible?

only able to provide anecdotal evidence but having sex is the most reliable sleep aid. little or no side effects with reliable contraception.

What interactions are possible with proton pump inhibitors?

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can interact with other medications, affecting their absorption and metabolism. Common interactions include reduced effectiveness of clopidogrel, increased risk of hypomagnesemia with diuretics, and increased levels of certain drugs metabolized by the liver due to PPI effects on liver enzymes. It is important to consult a healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medications while taking PPIs.

How do proton pump inhibitors work?

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) work by reducing the production of stomach acid by blocking the proton pumps in the stomach lining. This helps in treating conditions such as acid reflux, gastritis, and ulcers by allowing the damaged tissue in the esophagus, stomach, or intestines to heal.

What long-term side effects can androstenedione cause?

Long-term use of androstenedione can potentially lead to hormone imbalance, liver damage, and increased risk of heart disease or cancer. It can also suppress the body's natural testosterone production, leading to testicular atrophy and infertility.

What are examples of sedatives?

Any kind of prescribed sleeping pills like lunesta or ambien...

What are the side effects of Tetnus vaccine?

Common side effects of the Tetanus vaccine include pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site, mild fever, headache, and fatigue. More serious side effects are rare but can include severe allergic reactions or neurological problems. It is important to discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider before getting the vaccine.

Why does activated charcoal cause constipation?

Activated charcoal can cause constipation because it has a high adsorption capacity which can lead to it binding to nutrients, medications, and other substances in the digestive tract, slowing down their absorption and movement through the intestines. This can result in reduced bowel movements and ultimately constipation. It's important to drink plenty of water when taking activated charcoal to help prevent constipation.

Who and how was atropine discovered?

Atropine was discovered by German chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge in 1831. He isolated atropine from the deadly nightshade plant (Atropa belladonna). Atropine is known for its anticholinergic properties and is used in medicine to dilate pupils and treat certain medical conditions.

What are two effective uses of bacteria in the pharmaceutical world?

Bacteria are used in pharmaceuticals for producing antibiotics, such as penicillin, which combat bacterial infections. They are also used in genetic engineering to produce proteins and enzymes for therapeutic purposes, like insulin production for diabetes treatment.

What is propadrol?

Propadrol is a dietary supplement marketed as a prohormone that claims to help increase muscle mass, strength, and enhance athletic performance. However, its efficacy and safety have not been well studied or confirmed by scientific research, so caution is advised when considering its use.

What is the effect of proton pump inhibitors on pH of body blood?

Proton pump inhibitors reduce the secretion of stomach acid by inhibiting the proton pumps in gastric parietal cells. This lowers the acidity in the stomach, but does not directly affect the pH of the blood. The body maintains a tightly regulated pH in the blood (around 7.35-7.45) regardless of changes in stomach acid secretion.

I was born left handed but now use my right hand am I left handed or right handed?

You are currently considered right-handed since you predominantly use your right hand for tasks. However, some preferences or abilities related to being left-handed may still be present, as handedness can be a spectrum rather than strictly left or right.

What happens if you snort salt?

Snorting salt can irritate and damage the delicate tissues inside the nose. It can cause pain, inflammation, difficulty breathing, and even damage the nasal passages. It is important to avoid snorting substances that are not meant for inhalation.

Alcohol kills how many brain cells?

Alcohol can damage and kill brain cells over time with chronic heavy use, but the exact number of cells lost can vary widely among individuals. It's important to note that the brain has some ability to repair and regenerate cells, especially with abstinence and a healthy lifestyle.

What are the long term effects of severe lack of sleep from extreme pain?

Long-term lack of sleep due to extreme pain can lead to increased risk for mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, impaired cognitive function, weakened immune system, and overall decreased quality of life. It is important to address the underlying pain condition to improve sleep and overall well-being.

Does breathing in isobutane refrigerant cause side effects?

Breathing in isobutane refrigerant can cause symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea, and irritation of the respiratory tract. Inhaling high concentrations of isobutane can lead to asphyxiation (oxygen deprivation) due to displacement of oxygen in the air. Prolonged exposure to isobutane may also affect the central nervous system.

What is Chinese for ORS Oral Rehydration Solution?

ORS Oral Rehydration Solution in Chinese is 口服补液盐溶液 (kǒufú bǔyè yán róngyè).

What happens when you hallucinate?

Hallucinations are similar to waking dreams. You may see or hear things that are not actually there, or your mind may interpret actual situations in surreal or impossible ways.

Hallucinations are normally caused by imbalances in the chemistry of the brain, notably in the locations responsible for interpreting information from your senses. The simplest hallucinations involve seeing lights or colors, hearing sounds, or imagining that you are moving while actually stationary. It may be difficult or impossible to determine what is real and what is not.

The most serious hallucinations are similar to delusions, where you imagine a state completely different from reality. In this condition, it is possible to cause injuries to yourself by your actions, because your mind responds to what you perceive instead of what is there.

Hallucinations may be caused by psychotropic or psychedelic drugs (or excessive alcohol); by injury; or by any condition that changes the body's metabolism, such as allergic reactions, fever, or dehydration (e.g. the "mirages" seen by persons marooned in a desert environment without water).

Does methadone cause body sores?

yes and no, the drug seeps through the pours, and you think you can just scratch it off, so u pick, and pick, and pick, and it causes visible body sores. and when you are "comming down", yes, it causes physical body sores/pains.

How do drugs produce their effects on human behavior?

Drugs produce their effects on human behavior by interacting with the central nervous system. They can alter neurotransmitter levels, affect brain activity, and influence the brain's reward system, leading to changes in mood, behavior, and perception. These effects can vary depending on the type of drug and its mechanism of action.

What are side effects of Ritalin on adults?

Common side effects of Ritalin in adults can include insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, and increased heart rate. Less common side effects may include anxiety, dizziness, and gastrointestinal issues. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized information and guidance.

How many people in America smoke?

As of 2019, about 14% of adults in the United States were current smokers, according to the CDC. This percentage has been declining over the years due to public health campaigns, smoking bans, and increased awareness of the health risks associated with smoking.

What causes a person to wake up in the night with a fast heartbeat?

Well most of the time when someone wakes up, it is during a dream. Dreams only occure in REM, or Rapid Eye Movement. During this time as the name says, your eyes are moving very rapidly. During REM our bodies have an elevated and irregular heart rate, and irregular breathing. If you wake up during REM the irregular breathing, and heart rate will be noticed. The fast hearbeat itself. Your body will notice something is wrong, and wake you up. If the something that is wrong just so happens to be your heart rate, then, well, that s what happens! P>Additional Info: This can happen for many reason, one of which is mentioned above. Another is waking during a nightmare that you don't remember, which happens more often than you would guess. That falling feeling, or spinning feeling that jolts you awake is one of those nightmares even though you may be just falling asleep. Pain, usually headahes, but not limited to them, can cause you to awaken with you heart beating fast, and sometimes you will also be sweaty if pain is the cause. Reflux will cause you to wake up with your heart pounding. If you wake before it gets bad and rushes up your throat, you won't even realize that you had it, unless you stay awake for a while and have another surge of it. Also, if you are taking any medications, many have this as a side effect, you should check the bottles, or the information you received from the pharamcy. Then there is the sleep disorders and heart conditions, these need to be checked by your Dr. Generally I would recommend that you see your Dr. concerning this if it happens often enough to worry you, or disturb your sleep patterns. It could be serious and anything that steals your sleep, or worries you is important and should be treated as such.</P>