


Laboratory Testing

Before a doctor can diagnose a patient, laboratory tests such as blood work are required.

8,021 Questions

What does a 0.5 imm gran indicate on a blood test?

IMM GRAN means 'immature granulocytes' which are a type of white blood cells. A blood test indicating an IMM GRAN less then 1% is nothing significant, and is within normal range.

What is MP in blood test?

MP in a blood test typically stands for mean platelet volume. It is a measure of the average size of platelets in the blood and can provide information about platelet production and function. Normal MP levels can help to rule out certain medical conditions.

Do you need to fast for an electrolyte blood test?

Only fast if told to do so.

However, to 'flush out' any unwanted sugars etc., in the blood stream, drink a coupl of pints of water over the hours before the test. This will help the kidneys to remove any unwanted substances in the blood stream.

Why is feces not considered to be excreted?

Feces are indeed considered excreted waste because they are the solid waste product remaining after the body has absorbed nutrients from digested food in the intestines. Excretion refers to the process of eliminating waste material from the body, which includes feces.

What is the ast on a blood test?

AST stands for aspartate aminotransferase, which is an enzyme found in the liver and other tissues. Elevated levels of AST in a blood test can indicate liver damage or injury.

Can a person of ab-ve blood group accept o-ve blood?

Yes, a person with AB- blood can receive O- blood in a transfusion because AB can receive blood from A, B, AB, and O blood types. However, individuals with AB- blood type can only donate to other individuals with AB blood type.

Is there any problem in pregnancy if mother is O- and father is O plus?

If the mother is blood type O- and the father is blood type O+, there is a potential risk of the baby being Rh positive. This could lead to a condition called Rh incompatibility during pregnancy, where the mother's immune system may produce antibodies against the baby's blood if they have Rh-positive blood. This can cause complications in future pregnancies, but can be managed with proper medical care.

What if your ast blood test is 11?

An AST blood test result of 11 is within the normal range for adults, which is typically between 10-40 units per liter. This result suggests that your liver is functioning normally and there is no indication of liver damage or disease. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation and interpretation of your blood test results.

Can a B positive father and b negative mother give birth to AB positive child?

Yes, it is possible for a B positive father and a B negative mother to have an AB positive child. The AB blood type is possible when one parent carries the A gene and the other carries the B gene, resulting in their child having both A and B antigens on their red blood cells. The positive Rh factor is determined by the presence of the Rh antigen.

Is the result of cytomegalovirus IgG 189.80 normal?

A result of cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG at 189.80 is considered positive, indicating past or chronic infection with the virus. This result suggests that the individual has been exposed to CMV in the past and has developed antibodies against it. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for further interpretation and guidance.

Can parents that are both a negative have an ab positive child?

No. If both parents are A negative the child can only be A negative or O negative.

If the child is AB positive at least one parent must have type B or AB blood and at least one must be RH positive.

Is there any problem for child if father have O Positive Blood Group and mother have AB Positive?

No, there should not be any problem for the child in terms of blood group compatibility. The child could inherit either the father's O positive or the mother's AB positive blood type. The A and B antigens inherited from the mother are dominant over the O antigen inherited from the father.

How can a o negative father and a b negative mother have a b positive baby?

If the father is O negative and the mother is B negative, it is not possible for them to have a B positive baby. In this case, the child would inherit one blood type allele from each parent, resulting in either B negative or O negative blood type. The Rh factor (positive or negative) is inherited separately from the ABO blood type system.

How can you see better when you look through a pinhole?

Looking through a pinhole allows only a small amount of light to enter your eye, which creates a sharper image by reducing the effects of blurring or scattering. This effectively increases the depth of field, improving focus and clarity.

How long does zomig stay in your system?

Zomig (zolmitriptan) has a half-life of about 3 hours, meaning it takes around 18 hours to be mostly cleared from your system. However, individual factors such as metabolism and dose can affect how long it stays in the body.

Can parents both having O positive blood group give birth to a child with A positive?

Yes, it is possible for two parents with O positive blood type to have a child with A positive blood type. The child can inherit the A allele from one parent and the positive allele from the other parent. The A allele is dominant over the O allele, so the child would have A positive blood type.

Can a O ve blood group man marry a O ve blood group woman?

Yes, a person with O positive blood type can marry a person with O positive blood type without any medical concerns regarding blood compatibility. However, it is still advisable for couples to seek advice from a healthcare professional if they have concerns about blood compatibility or specific genetic conditions.

What are the parts of a centrifuge and their functions?

A centrifuge typically consists of a rotor, which holds the sample tubes or bottles, an electric motor that spins the rotor at high speeds, and a control panel for setting parameters like speed and time. The rotor spins the samples, causing components to separate based on their density or size, with denser components moving to the bottom of the tubes due to centrifugal force.

Blood test AST is 73 should I be concerned?

An AST (aspartate aminotransferase) level of 73 is higher than the normal range, which could indicate liver damage or disease. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and to determine the cause of the elevated AST level.

Can o positive and o positive have b positive baby?

No, two O positive parents cannot have a B positive baby. Both parents would need to carry the B antigen for the child to be B positive. In this case, it is not genetically possible for the child to have a blood type different from that of the parents.

Can O plus blood group marry any other blood group?

Yes, individuals with blood type O+ can marry individuals from any other blood type group without any health risks specifically related to blood compatibility. However, it is always recommended for couples considering marriage to consult with a healthcare provider for genetic counseling and to understand any potential health implications related to blood type compatibility.

What is an omithologist?

An ornithologist is a scientist who specializes in the study of birds. They may research bird behavior, biology, ecology, and taxonomy to better understand and conserve avian species.

What is the procedure for a cystoscopy?

A cystoscopy is a procedure where a thin tube with a camera is inserted into the urethra to examine the bladder. The patient is usually given a local anesthetic or sedative to minimize discomfort. The doctor then inspects the bladder lining for any abnormalities and may take tissue samples for further analysis. After the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort or minor bleeding while urinating, but this should subside within a few days.

What does 'the test results were not conclusive' mean?

It means that the results weren't strong enough to make a conclusion. In other words, the issue that the test was investigating has not been fully resolved.

When used in the medical sense it means that the test has not highlighted an exact diagnosis or that it hasn't confirmed or denied what was being tested for.