


Swimming is a popular sport that requires the use of the hands, legs and the abdomen to propel oneself forward in the water.

2,426 Questions

What unit of measurement would you use to measure the volume of a swimming pool?

You would use cubic meters or cubic feet to measure the volume of a swimming pool. This unit accounts for the three-dimensional space that the pool occupies.

How fast can a human swim in mph?

It depens, how long you've practice swimming. If you've swamm for years, you would probably swimm for aproximily 15 miles per hour. If you've only swamm for 1 year or less, you would swimm about 10 miles per hour or less.

^^ Joke answer right? The world record is like 5mph. The avg experienced swimmer probably 2 mph maybe 3. 3-5 kph. That's a guess, but a better answer than what's above.

When swimming when practicing the egg beater leg kick can you rotate right leg clockwise and left leg counter-clockwise. Rather than their opposites?

Yes, you can rotate your legs in opposite directions while practicing the eggbeater kick in swimming. This movement, often referred to as the "corkscrew kick," can help increase your stability and power in the water, especially when treading water for an extended period of time. Experimenting with different leg movements can help you find what works best for you in terms of efficiency and comfort.

What are the safety measures in swimming?

Safety measures in swimming include never swimming alone, always having a designated water watcher, wearing a life jacket if needed, and knowing your limits and abilities in the water. Additionally, it's important to be aware of and follow any posted rules or warnings at the swimming area and to never swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Can Chinchillas swim?

No, chinchillas are not able to swim. Their dense fur can become waterlogged and weigh them down, making it difficult for them to stay afloat. Swimming can pose a serious danger to chinchillas and should be avoided.

How many meters is 32 lengths of a pool?

the lenght of an olympic sized swimming pool is 50 meters from one end to the other

Record for breath holding?

The current world record for breath holding without the aid of pure oxygen is 11 minutes and 54 seconds, achieved by Aleix Segura Vendrell in 2016. However, it's important to note that attempting breath holding can be dangerous and should only be done with proper training and supervision.

How fast is the fastest human in mph?

The fastest human speed recorded is 27.8 mph, achieved by Usain Bolt during his 100m world record run in 2009.

Why can't I stay on the bottom of my swimming pool when I go under water?

Due to buoyancy, your body naturally floats in water, making it difficult to stay at the bottom without actively holding yourself down. Additionally, your body may involuntarily float back up towards the surface due to your lung volume and the air trapped inside your body.

What have swimming and geography got in common?

Both swimming and geography involve the exploration and understanding of different environments. Swimmers navigate through bodies of water, while geographers study and map different regions on Earth. Both activities require knowledge of natural features and their characteristics.

What is the fastest time anyone has ever swam a fifty yard butterfly?

The fastest time for swimming the 50-yard butterfly is 21.11 seconds, achieved by Caeleb Dressel at the 2018 NCAA Division I Men's Swimming and Diving Championships. Dressel set this record while competing for the University of Florida.

Is British Robert Garside still swimming around the world?

There is no public information indicating that British Robert Garside is currently swimming around the world. His last known feat was running the entire perimeter of the world, which he completed in 2003. He has not been reported to be attempting a worldwide swim.

How many meters will you have to swim to equal 1.2 miles?

If you're talking statute miles and not nautical miles, you'll have to swim approx. 1,931 meters to go 1.2 miles. In nautical miles, the answer is closer to 2,223 meters.

Why do people in space float to a ceartain limit if there is no gravitational force then people should continue to fly or float upwardsBut this does not happens they keep on floating on a ceartain hei?

Despite the absence of gravity, objects and people in space appear to float because they are in a state of constant free fall around the Earth. They don't float upwards indefinitely because they are following the curved path of the Earth's gravitational pull, resulting in a stable orbit at a certain height above the surface. This balance between the inertia of their motion and the gravitational force keeps them at a specific altitude without flying off into space.

Why would you be hungry after swimming?

during any athletic activity you burn calories. the body notices they are being burned and signals your body to take in more. swimming may not feel very difficult, or not make you tired easily, because it is low impact and it's hard to sweat

Can you overheat while swimming?

Yes, it is possible to overheat while swimming due to factors such as prolonged exposure to the sun, high water temperature, intense physical activity, or inadequate hydration. It's important to stay hydrated, take breaks, and seek shade when swimming in hot weather to prevent overheating.

What is the best way to teach children how to go under the water without getting water up their nose?

One effective way is to teach children to hold their breath before going underwater. Encourage them to exhale gently through their nose as they submerge. Practice in a shallow pool or bathtub to build confidence. Using nose clips can also help prevent water from getting in their nose.

How do you do a backstroke while swimming?

To do a backstroke while swimming, lie on your back and kick your legs in a fluttering motion while moving your arms in a circular motion. Keep your body position straight and use your arms to propel yourself backward in the water. Remember to keep your head in a neutral position to maintain a proper backstroke technique.

Why can't overweight people swim?

Overweight individuals may find it more challenging to swim due to decreased buoyancy and increased drag in the water. Additionally, reduced overall fitness and mobility can contribute to difficulties with swimming efficiently. It is important for overweight individuals to focus on building water confidence and stamina through gradual practice and exercises tailored to their abilities.

Why do girls float better than boys?

There is no biological reason that girls float better than boys. Factors that can affect buoyancy include body fat percentage, muscle mass, and lung capacity rather than gender. It may vary from person to person based on these factors, rather than a generalization based on gender.

What percentage of women in the US know how to swim?

in America about 36% percent of people can't swim and world wide about 54% can't swim.

2nd answer:

People don't tell them that. While a small percentage will still not like the water, most people have to be told how to float before they how to then use their limbs.

People try to mimic others by dog paddling not knowing how to stay afloat any other way. It doesn't work.

So, tell your friends that don't know how to swim, "keep your lungs at least half full to stay buoyant".

How many people watch swimming around the world?

It's difficult to provide an exact number, but swimming is a popular sport globally. Major events like the Olympics often attract a large viewership. Television ratings, online streaming data, and event attendance numbers can give an idea of the sport's popularity.

What are the pros and cons of learning to swim?

Pros of learning to swim include improved water safety, cardiovascular fitness, and relaxation. Cons may include fear of water, time commitment for lessons, and potential increased risk of injury if not done correctly.