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10mo ago

The event leading to the combination of an ovum and sperm is called fertilization. It occurs when a sperm penetrates the outer membrane of the ovum, allowing the genetic material from the sperm to join with the genetic material of the ovum. This creates a zygote, which is the first cell of a new individual.

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What is the event leading to the combination of ovum and sperm genes?


How many sperm fertilize the ovum?

Typically, only one sperm fertilizes an ovum to form a zygote. Multiple sperm attempting to fertilize the ovum can lead to abnormalities in the resulting embryo.

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Sperm production is the creation of sperm in the testies of the bull. Ovum production is the creation of eggs in the ovaries of the cow.

Why only one sperm cell can fertilized an ovum?

Only one sperm cell can fertilize an ovum due to a process called the fast block to polyspermy. Once a sperm cell penetrates the egg, it triggers changes in the egg's membrane that prevent other sperm cells from entering. This ensures that only one sperm cell can successfully fertilize the egg.

What can the ovum become if it joins a sperm?

When the ovum and sperm come together they become a fertlized egg also known as a zygote.

How are a zygote and an ovum different?

Ovum is mainly 1n and zygote formed by fusion of ovum and sperm is 2n ,,,

What does an ovum have that the sperm also has?


How many chromosomes does the fertilized ovum contain?

The fertilized ovum, or zygote, contains 46 chromosomes. These come from the combination of 23 chromosomes from the egg cell and 23 chromosomes from the sperm cell.

Explain how the structure of a sperm enables it to reach the ovum?

It has a long tail that helps it swim easily to reach the ovum, It has a pointed tip in the head of the sperm which allows it to effectively enter the ovum.

What is the name giving to the male reproductive cell that fertilises the ovum?

The male reproductive cell that fertilizes the ovum is called a sperm cell.

Which is that sperm that fertilize the ovum?

The luckiest of all sperms makes it alive and fuses with the ovum.