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If a family member is in pain, the addition of a narcotic pain medicine can be a welcome relief. The family member may become more like their former self, since being in constant pain can cause personality changes. The family member may be able to do more of the things that they used to do, or may be able to participate in their rehabilitation more fully. Finally they may be able to get some sleep or rest as well if they have been in too much discomfort to do so.

When someone initially goes onto a narcotic, there will be some mental changes such as drowsiness and in some cases confusion. This effect does pass. If this person is accustomed to drinking Alcoholic Beverages, so your best to support them to not consume them. For many people, they will be on anti- inflammatory drugs and narcotics at the same time and in both cases it is important not to mix alcohol with either of them. The anti inflammatories are hard on the stomach and alcohol makes it even more irritive and the narcotics are often mixed with tylenol, which is hard on the liver and magnifies the harmful effects on the liver from the alcohol. Mixing alcohol and narcotics can also cause dangerous side effects such as respiratory depression, so again, it is best to help support them not to mix alcohol with these medicines.

In most cases, the person completes their rehab from whatever they had and their course of narcotics ends. In some cases, if someone is on narcotic pain meds for a long time, the family may notice that their family member becomes frustrated with the medicine because the body develops a tolerance. That means the amount of medicine that used to allow them to be comfortable suddenly doesn't work as well. This likely means that they are no longer drowsy or confused from it either, but not always. At this point, sometimes the doctor adds more meds or changes meds. They may again have a very sleepy period where they feel better but are not used to the meds. Many narcotic pain meds also can cause constipation, so please help watch out for that.

This is especially the point where a family member should watch for problems with a narcotic pain medicine. Of course watch all along that the meds are taken as prescribed and not deliberately concentrated. If you see your family member do that on purpose, consider it a warning sign. If they are not getting enough pain relief, they should tell the doctor as there are other things that can be done. At the point when someone develops a tolerance, especially watch that your family member is not suddenly taking more than prescribed or concentrating the effects with other meds or alcohol. The vast majority of people do not do this, but there are always those who go this route, so just be aware, especially in folks who have had previous problems.

If your family member develops chronic pain, it is important that you validate this person's pain. Sometimes the medical community is supportive to someone who has developed a chronic pain condition, but other times the person is immediately branded some kind of drug addict seeking a fix. I would like to add that it is likely that if someone has been taking a narcotic pain medicine for a long period of time it is highly unlikely that they receive ANY thrill or high from it (unless they are deliberately taking it not as directed by the doctor). Someone who is not abusing their meds and are taking them exactly as prescribed and has been taking that same thing for an extended period of time has developed a tolerance and perhaps even a dependence- psychological or physical. They feel like they need it and may still not get good pain relief.

The paradox of someone with chronic pain is terrible. Chronic pain robs the person of doing many basic things to take care of themselves and their family. It often robs them of useful work activity and even hobby activity that might improve their mental health. It is extremely frustrating to that person and often depressing and isolating. In short, it stinks! It is spirit crushing. Many marriages have been ruined over chronic pain. And even though many people don't mention it, of course chronic pain effects sexual functioning of males and females. If your family has been on a narcotic pain reliever for a long time, dicuss with their physician the course expected for their condition. VERY IMPORTANT: Inquire if they can see an actual doctor that is a PAIN MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST. There are many good doctors out there, but a pain management specialist will treat this totally differently and often recommend treatments that are considered more alternative as well. There are also national chronic pain associations that have local chapters. This is a good idea for the family and the person with the chronic pain.

In my experience, narcotic pain therapy is generally a positive thing.

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