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It result from the moving of rock deep under the ground. This movement is caused by the rubbing of one plate into another. The plates have jagged edges, and so when they rub against each other, they get stuck. Since plates constantly move, the plates that are stuck create great tension, and when they are finally free, a huge amount of energy is released. Shock waves move from focus in all directions, and it causes the earth to vibrate.

Tectonic plates causes earthquakes when two or more plates collide with each other.

Pressure builds up between plates and causes an earth quake.
The Earth's surface is formed form a number of interlocking plates which are moved round by the convection of the underlying mantle (as it cools). This means that in some places the plates are being torn apart, in other places the plates are sliding past one another and in yet other places the plates are being squeezed together. These underlying plate movements provide the energy given off as earthquakes. The heat given off by the mantle is the source of energy for volcanoes which also occur near the plate margins.

Earthquakes happen when the rocks breaks under pressure, rather like snapping a stick. As the plates move the rocks deform elastically (like a stick bending) and when eventually the rocks break under the stress, its snaps back to its original shape. This snap back is called elastic rebound. When the rock breaks and rebounds, its gives off energy. This energy causes the ground to shake.

Friction also increases the amount of energy that is released from that earthquake, which is then affected by the speed of the movement of the tectonic plate.
It result from the moving of rock deep under the ground. This movement is caused by the rubbing of one plate into another. The plates have jagged edges, and so when they rub against each other, they get stuck. Since plates constantly move, the plates that are stuck create great tension, and when they are finally free, a huge amount of energy is released. Shock waves move from focus in all directions, and it causes the earth to vibrate.

Earthquakes are tremors or vibrations in the Earth's crust that are caused by the build up or accumulation of pressure (more correctly termed stress).

This accumulation of stress is due to the movement of tectonic plates and most commonly occurs at the boundaries between differing plates that are moving in different directions. This accumulation of stress causes the rocks that make up the crust to deform elastically. This is very similar to what happens when you squash or stretch a spring and causes a form of energy to be stored in the rocks of the crust - technically described as elastic potential energy.

When this stress gets to large, it exceeds the strength of the rocks in the crust and causes a brittle failure. Brittle failures are failures where fractures form through the material.

This sudden brittle failure causes all of the elastic potential energy to be released at one time in the form of seismic waves, just as if a spring or elastic band that was being stretched suddenly snapped.

These seismic waves cause the tremors that people feel on the surface and which can cause damage to buildings and other structures.

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7y ago
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10y ago

Volcanic action between the edges of tectonic plates are forcing them to move apart, and the plates are floating on the fluid, molten magma beneath the crust.

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14y ago
  • If one plate collides with another plate,it can cause earthquakes.

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14y ago

tectonic plates- which is made up of the crust and the lithoshpere- on top of the asthenosphere

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7y ago

Sometimes. Your assumption that heat is the cause is questionable.

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7y ago

the initiation of a tsunamithe collapse of a buildingthe triggering of a landslide

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